There's a new iPhone, and, predictable as sunrise, there's a reported problem that may or may not gain a -gate suffix. This time, some iPhone 7s seem to be making an audible hissing noise.
Here's an audio clip from Stephen Hackett's iPhone 7. He says the hissing is loud enough that it "can be heard while the phone is sitting on a table." In the audio clip, though, the microphone is probably right up against the back of the iPhone. Hackett says on his blog that Apple Care is replacing his iPhone 7.
Another video by Unbox Therapy puts a mic right up against the back of an iPhone 7 Plus, and then an iPhone 7 and iPhone 6S as well. The iPhone 7 Plus seems to have a louder hiss than the other two.
According to Hackett and a few other reports, the hissing seems to come from behind the Apple logo on the back of the phone, which an iPhone 7 teardown has shown is roughly where the new A10 SoC is located. Hackett says the hissing sound is louder when the iPhone 7 is under load. Some people on social media report that they first noticed the hissing sound while restoring the phone—a process that would put the SoC under heavy load.
As with previous iPhone-related issues, such as bendgate, it's hard to assess whether hissing iPhones are actually widespread—or we're just dealing with the usual social-media/hyperbolic-tech-site echo chamber. There are plenty of reports of iPhone 7 and 7 Plus phones that don't hiss, too.