Ruby appscript (rb-appscript) is a high-level, user-friendly Apple event bridge that allows you to control scriptable Mac OS X applications using ordinary Ruby scripts.
For example, to get the value of the first paragraph of the document named "ReadMe" in TextEdit:
This is equivalent to the AppleScript statement:
tell application "TextEdit"
get paragraph 1 of document "ReadMe"
end tell
Rb-appscript requires Ruby 1.8+ and Mac OS X 10.4 or later.
Matt Neuburg has written a book about rb-appscript: Scripting Mac Applications With Ruby: An AppleScript Alternative.
Ruby appscript (rb-appscript) is a port of the original py-appscript bridge. There are a few minor syntax and API changes to accomodate the differences between the two languages, but they are otherwise very similar.
Please note that while rb-appscript uses regular object-oriented Ruby syntax, because it's a bridge to the query-driven Apple Event Manager there are some differences in how it behaves. Check the appscript manual for more information.
Rb-appscript does not work with MacRuby. A separate macruby-appscript bridge can be obtained from the appscript repository (note: also requires objc-appscript):
svn checkout \ \