
API LGBTQ Groups in the Bay Area

Lavender Phoenix is working at the intersections of the Asian and Pacific Islander and LGBTQ communities to transform people, practices, and policies to make the world an equitable and safe place for everyone.


APIFP-logoAsian Pacific Islander Family Pride

API Family Pride is a supportive environment for families of Asian/Pacific bisexual, gay, lesbian, and transgender people, dedicated to ending the isolation of API families with LGBT members through support, education, and dialogue. We provide one-on-one sessions with parents; connect parents with others who speak their language; conduct workshops at schools and gatherings, and have developed resources that have found their way into over 10,000 home and schools. We have produced a video, Coming Out – Coming Home, which contains interviews with families of API LGBT people. Our annual banquet honors supportive parents and families who have been nominated by API LGBT individuals. Contact us at or visit www.apifamilypride.org

P.O. Box 640223, San Francisco, CA 94164


Gay Asian Pacific Alliance is an organization dedicated to furthering the interests of gay & bisexual Asian/Pacific Islanders by creating awareness, by developing a positive collective identity and by establishing a supportive community. GAPA was formed from the need for an organization to address, through a democratic process, social, cultural and political issues affecting the gay & bisexual Asian/Pacific Islander community. www.gapa.org

trikone-logoTrikone is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people of South Asian descent, founded in 1986 in the San Francisco Bay Area. South Asians affiliated with Trikone trace their ethnicities to one of the following places: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Tibet. Monthly events are held. Trikone also hosts Women of Trikone events. www.trikone.org

sbqaSouth Bay Queer and Asian (SBQA) is a support and social group that provides gay, bisexual, and lesbian Asians and Pacific Islanders in the South Bay with a safe place to “come out of the closet” and be comfortable with their sexual identity and race. Our meetings serve as a forum where individuals can freely discuss issues relevant to being gay/bisexual/lesbian and Asian in a relaxed and friendly environment. SBQA’s social events afford members opportunities to meet others of similar backgrounds and interests and to build new, lasting friendships. Our group also supports the development of its members’ organizational leadership skills. www.sbqa.com

Omusubi is a group for Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning Women of Japanese Ancestry. We have an email list and occasional activities in the Bay Area. All participants are encouraged to contribute ideas and energy into creating what it is they want for the group, whether it will be social, political and/or cultural in scope.

Contact Kris Mizutani at for more info or to be added to the e-list.

Seoul Sisters is a social group for lesbian, bisexual, queer, transgender women of Korean heritage in San Francisco Bay Area.

All official notices are posted on this email list http://groups.yahoo.com/group/seoulsistersinsf/
We also have a Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/325334064155376/

OASIS (Older Asian Sisters in Solidarity) is a group for Asian lesbians 35+ with regular and occasional events.
For info contact Koko Lin – or 510-761-5585

sambal-logoSAMBAL (Singaporean and Malaysian Bisexual and Lesbians) is a support/rap group that holds monthly potlucks. To be added onto SAMBAL email list, email us at .

songthatLOGOSong That Radio is a grass root organization which has a dual task of operating a radio program to focus on educating about homosexuality with an emphasis on making social changes in attitudes towards homosexuals and to organize social and political events to advocate, support and empower the Vietnamese-American LGBT community to increase visibility and inclusiveness in the community. Our goal is to improve the quality of life and eliminate the disparities in Vietnamese-American community in dealing with homosexual issues.

Song That Radio Program airs every Sunday evening from 7:00pm – 8:00pm on KSJX-1500AM.
P/L contact us at: E-mail:
Telephone: (408) 476-3977
Website: www.songthat.com

Cal Q&A Cal Q&A was founded a decade ago on the UC Berkeley campus as a student organization dedicated to the intersectionality of the Queer and Asian identities. Through weekly meetings, various monthly events, and our annual conference, Cal Q&A acts as a safe space, social group, and support network for any and every student on the UC Berkeley campus.
We host an awesome annual conference with panels and workshops on the Berkeley campus, which is free and open to the public. www.calqanda.com

The Network on Religion and Justice for Asian and Pacific Islander Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer People (NRJ) is a network of API-LGBTQ organizations and individuals, their faith communities, family and friends working to nurture and support efforts toward a fully LGBTQ inclusive Asian Pacific Islander faith community. http://www.netrj.org/

khushKhush (UC Berkeley)
is a safe space for South Asian LGBTQIA and questioning folks at UC berkeley. It is a space to build community, hang out, and provide support. http://khushberkeley.tumblr.com/

Sponsored by the Gender Equity Resource Center

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