




[国内出荷、安心の1年間保障付き!]MakerBot デスクトップ 3Dプリンタ Replicator 2X

2.0 5つ星のうち2.0 9個の評価

現在在庫切れです。 在庫状況について
ブランド MakerBot
材質 樹脂
商品の重量 11.5 キログラム
対応デバイス パソコン, ノートパソコン


  • 最大造形寸法: 24.6 × 15.2 × 15.5 cm
  • 積層ピッチ: 0.1-0.4 mm
  • サポートファイル形式: STL、OBJ、THING、MAKERBOT
  • Workstationとの互換性: Windows 7以上、Mac OS X(10.7以上)、Linux( Ubuntu, Fedora)
  • MakerBot ABSフィラメント、MakerBot Dissolvableフィラメント
自社ECのコストや手数料で悩んでいませんか? FBA手数料の割引を含む、複数のお得なキャンペーンを実施しています。 今なら新規出品者様向け特典で最大787.5万円還元





[国内出荷、安心の1年間保障付き!]MakerBot デスクトップ 3Dプリンタ Replicator 2X



Price Availability
\n' + ' ' ); } function getThankYouDiv(thankMsg) { return ( '
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' + thankMsg + '
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窒息の危険 -- 小さな部品。3歳未満のお子様には適しません。
窒息の危険 -- おもちゃには小さなボールが入っています。3歳未満のお子様には適しません。
窒息の危険 -- おもちゃには大理石が含まれています。3歳未満のお子様には適しません。


ご注意(免責)> 必ずお読み下さい

保証期間:ご購入後1年(交換部品代および修理含む) •商品配送時に同封されるAmazon納品書期日より1年間。納品書を紛失した場合には、無償保証期間内においても故障修理が有償となる場合がありますので納品書は確実に保管下さい。 •保守サポート:ストラタシス・ジャパンが、不具合の内容により最適な対応方法を判断、パーツ及び本体のセンドバックにて対応。不具合発生時は製品に同梱のサポートセンターのe-mailアドレス、又はお電話番号までご連絡下さい。 •修理をご依頼される際には「購入時のダンボール箱、装置を固定していた緩衝材等」が必要です。破棄せずお客様での保管をお願い致します。 ※純正フィラメント以外を使用、または落下などにより発生した故障やトラブルは、保証対象外となります。



◆メーカー1年間保障は、ストラタシス・ジャパンおよび正規代理店のアマゾンストアで購入された商品に限ります。 ◆デュアルエクストルーダーを搭載。最先端のフィラメントテクノロジーおよび複数のフィラメントのセッティングに対応した3D プリンティングテクノロジーを採用。2 色のカラーを組み合わせてさらにレベルの高い3D プリントに対応します。また、デュアルノズルにより、交換や一時停止することなく2 色を組み合わせたプリントが可能です。MakerBot Dissolvable(溶解性樹脂)フィラメントを使用することで突出部分および内部構造の造形に対応しています。 新しいロードシステムにより、フィラメントの詰まりが劇的に改善されました。新しく設計されたサーマルコアにより、エクストルーダーの内部温度を安定させ、より信頼のあるプリントを実現します。さらに、MAKERBOT ABS フィラメント向けに最適化。いかなる形にも対応する弾性変形性を備えた熱可塑樹脂のMakerBot ABS フィラメントは、スナップ、一体成形ヒンジ、ネジ状の物体などの作成に最適です。


保証期間:ご購入後1年(交換部品代および修理含む) •商品配送時に同封されるAmazon納品書期日より1年間。納品書を紛失した場合には、無償保証期間内においても故障修理が有償となる場合がありますので納品書は確実に保管下さい。 •保守サポート:ストラタシス・ジャパンが、不具合の内容により最適な対応方法を判断、パーツ及び本体のセンドバックにて対応。不具合発生時は製品に同梱のサポートセンターのe-mailアドレス、又はお電話番号までご連絡下さい。 •修理をご依頼される際には「購入時のダンボール箱、装置を固定していた緩衝材等」が必要です。破棄せずお客様での保管をお願い致します。 ※純正フィラメント以外を使用、または落下などにより発生した故障やトラブルは、保証対象外となります。






上位レビュー、対象国: 日本



  • Nathan
    5つ星のうち1.0 Dual Extrusion not Reliable
    I am giving the Makerbot Replicator 2X one star after using both the Replicator 2X and the Replicator 2 for almost a year.

    The printer is decent if you only want to use one extruder (although for some reason it's not as reliable as the Replicator 2.) However, in the whole time I had the printer it was not able to reliably print when using both extruders. This alone should make you think twice about buying this printer instead of a more reasonably priced one.

    Second, I have had two motherboards destroyed when using this machine. Thankfully the first one was under warranty, but the second motherboard was not. I also suspect the replacement motherboard they sent me was refurbished, which would explain why it died fairly quickly afterward.

    Although the Replicator 2 is a reasonable machine (although it has a few known problems), I would recommend against ANY other Makerbot products.
  • Gavin
    5つ星のうち5.0 I made things worse for myself
    EDIT: My initial review was very critical (2 stars), but due to my own error, I made things worse for myself. Let me explain:

    My Replicator 2X showed up with only one extruder fan functional. These fans are necessary to keep the plastic parts of the extruder & carriage cool to prevent damage, while only the tip is hot. This meant only one extruder was usable. I emailed MakerBot's tech support to try and find a solution, and this was my mistake. Emails to them apparently get lost in the quagmire, which is why they don't even mention emailing them on their website (although the card that comes with the printer still has the tech support email address). I waited a few days before getting fed up and trying to find another solution.

    IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH YOUR PRINTER, go to MakerBot's website, under Support, register your printer, and under your name, select Open Support Case. I gave them as much detailed information as I had gathered during troubleshooting, and received a response in just over an hour. As a result, they are sending me a replacement MightyBoard (the main control board) free of charge.

    In the few days we've had our MakerBot (albeit running on just one side), we have made some pretty nice prints. The quality and surface finish definitely surpass what my Wanhao Replicator Dual clone is capable of. ABS prints as easily on the MakerBot as PLA does on my Wanhao, and it is also significantly quieter that my home printer. I will update again as necessary, but I have to say that so far, I'm pretty impressed.
  • Xcptionl
    5つ星のうち1.0 Such a let down... I officially hate it.
    2 1/2 years into owning this printer and I've spent more time troubleshooting it than getting good results. I'm to the point that I REALLY hate this printer. I wanted to get my kids excited about 3-D printing but this machine has left them less interested. The Makerbot support team just wants more and more money to help, wasn't paying over $2700 for the machine enough???
  • james
    5つ星のうち5.0 Great printer, 3 prints 100% successful, right out of the box
    I was unsure about makerbot. I've heard a lot about them and their printers, both good and bad. But in the end, I needed a little more polished product and less experimental equipment. I narrowed it down to them based on support (although I haven't had to test it yet), product features, and that they are at or near the top of all the side by side comparisons.

    The printer arrived as promised. I pulled it out of the packaging and set it up per the included instructions. The only extra step I did was to go through the platform leveling process twice. 45 minutes later I had my first successful print off the machine.

    My next print was a much larger prototype that ran for 8 hours with no hiccups.

    One question I had before purchasing was if filament is included wi the kit. It is, two one pound spools. I got one red, one white.

    The only issue I had was that makerware crashed on my desktop and wouldn't load. I was able to run it on my laptop just fine. I put in a service ticket to resolve the issue with my desktop computer.

    I'll try to remember to update this as I get more time on the printer, along with successful vs unsuccessful prints.

    I'm very experienced with rapid prototypes (SLA, FDM, SLS, Polyjet, etc), but only have hands-on experience with very expensive equipment. So far this printer is outperforming the old stratasys dimension I used to print lots of string with!
  • Bill
    5つ星のうち1.0 The printer I received never worked properly. All objects ...
    The printer I received never worked properly. All objects, including models from MakerBot, were slanted when printed. I went back and forth with MakerBot for 3 month trying to investigate the cause and find a solution. Unfortunately, MakerBot was very slow to respond and did not provide a solution.