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Washington, DC

March 7-9, 2025


“Amazing format. Unforgettable experience.” Nashville, 2022

“Learnings are countless. Be prepared to be surprised!” Orlando, 2023



Connection | Networking

Fri. 7th, 6 – 9 pm

Camp Sessions

Sat. 8th, 9 am – 5 pm

Sun. 9th, 9 am – 4 pm


2300 Wilson Boulevard
Suite 600
Arlington, VA 2220

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  • Third year in DC
  • No sponsors / agendas
  • Sat & Sun Breakfast
  • Sat & Sun Lunch
  • Happy Hour Sat. 5 pm
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ACC-NA - Marketplace 1


has a diverse background with a broad array of interests and past jobs. After varied work experience in theatre, farming, electronics, and programming, he set forth as an independent consultant and coach. A major factor in that choice was to take charge of his own professional development after some disappointments with the limitations of corporate life. In recent years he has traded the life of the traveling consultant for remote coaching and semi-retirement.

1) Software Estimation without Guessing
Evolutionary Anatomy of Test Automation Code
Patterns of Agile Journeys


CONNECT – Agile practitioners from different industries and cities come together to share, connect, and learn from each other.

EXPLORE – Without a speaker lineup, lectures, or sponsored talks, the well-structured and thought-out format allows topics to emerge on the fly from people’s needs and curiosity.

ADVANCE – Some people attend to explore specific topics, ask questions and/or share experiences, while others come to test new ideas, look for support, or build skills.

Open to anyone interested in learning, sharing or exploring modern approaches to work with people, teams and organizations.

Designed for Agile Coaches, Team Leads, Managers, Executives, RTEs, Scrum Masters, Developers, Facilitators, and Trainers.

Some attendees come as “explorers” to create new ideas, others as “shoppers” for Agile techniques, and some others as “visitors” to see old friends and make new ones.

You do not need to be an expert in coaching nor come with anything more than a question you want to explore. Often these questions turn out to be some of the most powerful sessions as participants explore answers and related topics.

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6:00 pm – 9:00 pm – CONNECTIONS and NETWORKING

Some of us will get together to chat and get some drinks. If you want to join us, we will be at FIRE WORKS PIZZA (2350 Clarendon Blvd, Arlington, Virginia 22207 – just across the street from Excella).

Text or call us if you have problems finding the place (703 479 0180).

09:00 am – 09:30 am – Coffee, fruit, and breakfast snacks
09:30 am – 10:00 am – Welcome | Ground rules | Acknowledgments
10:00 am – 11:00 am – Opening Circle | Populate Marketplace for the day
11:00 am – 01:00 pm – Open Space sessions

01:00 am – 02:00 pm – Lunch served

02:00 pm – 05:00 pm – Open Space sessions
05:00 pm – 05:30 pm – Reconvene | Highlights | Evening news.

5:30 pm – 9:00 pm – HAPPY HOUR

We will get together to break the ice, say hello to old friends in the community, and start new connections.

Wine and beer will be provided. Hors d’oeuvre or pizza will be served (we will decide as a group).

Bring your favorite board or card game –we might be playing some and figuring out their application to Agile.

09:00 am – 10:00 am – Coffee, fruit, and breakfast snacks
10:00 am – 11:00 am – Reconvene in Circle | Populate Marketplace for the day
11:00 am – 01:00 pm – Open Space sessions

01:00 pm – 02:00 pm – Lunch served

02:00 pm – 04:00 pm – Open Space sessions
04:00 pm – 04:15 pm – Closing Circle | Announcements
04:15 pm – 04:30 pm – Retrospective

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The overall event starts with the Opening Circle. A guest facilitator set the tone and explains four principles:

– “Whoever comes are the right people.”
– “Whatever happens is the only thing that could have.”
– “When it starts is the right time.”
– “It’s over when it’s over.”

The “law of two feet” or mobility is also explained: “If at any moment you are not learning or contributing, feel free to move to a sesion or place where you can learn or contribute.”

Once the rules an dynamics are clear, participants come together to build the high-level topics of the event.

Whoever is interested or curious about a topic or an idea has the opportunity to deliver a 30- 60-second pitch, write a title on a sticky note, choose a space in the grid, and fix it along the wall: that is the Marketplace.

Each day of the Camp a new Marketplace is populated.

For the rest of the day, participants gather into smaller groups to have conversations about each of the topics posted in the Marketplace: discussing, brainstorming, asking questions, suggesting, debating, and sharing information and experiences.

At any time, participants can jump from session to session cross-pollinating ideas between groups (known as bumble bees).

At the end of the time window established for each session, some people will continue on the topic for further conversation, while others move to the next session of their choice.

Think about a topic (or a few) that you are passionately wanting to learn, explore, and/or share.

You don’t need to prepare the topic or have an agenda. In fact, as you propose topics for the Marketplace, you are basically agreeing to “hold a space” and “facilitate a discussion” on the topic, not to lecture folks on the subject.

Moreover, there is no expectation that you are an expert in that area. You can simply propose a topic with the purpose of collecting tips, ideas, insights, examples, techniques or experiences from others.

1. Be kind to others.
2. Behave professionally.

The Agile Coach Camp is a safe, welcoming and accepting space, and we want to keep it that way. That’s why unacceptable behaviors or harassment will not be tolerated.

We have adopted the Agile Alliance’s Code of Conduct and expect that you agree to follow the Code of Ethical Conduct for Agile Coaching.

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ACC-NA - Washington DC US Capitol
ACC-NA - Washington DC Washington Monument


Excella’s Headquarters

2300 Wilson Boulevard

Suite 600

Arlington, VA 22201

10-min drive from The White House

Excella’s offices are only 0.1 mile –one-minute walk– from the Court House Metro Station (Orange Line):
– Friday: 5:00 a.m. until 1:00 a.m.
– Saturday: 7:00 a.m. until 1:00 a.m.
– Sunday: 7:00 a.m. until 12:00 a.m.

Excella’s headquarters is surrounded by convenient street parking. Coins, credit/debit card and mobile app are accepted.
– Friday and Saturday: $1.75/hour
– Sunday: Free

Just across the street from Excella there is a building with plenty of parking (2200 Clarendon Boulevard. Arlington, VA 22201):
– Saturday: Free
– Sunday: Free.

A few days before the event, we might create a channel for attendees to ask for and offer carpooling. Stay tuned!

There are plenty of options in the area, from hotels to AirBNB.

PREFERRED HOTEL (just across the street from the venue and half block from the Court House metro station):

Hyatt Place Arlington/Courthouse Plaza.

2401 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, Virginia, United States, 22201. +1 703 243 2494

Although it wasn’t possible to secure a group rate for the Camp, it is a very convenient, not-expensive option. Depending on the day of booking, some websites such as Google and Kajak offer lower rates than those published directly by the hotel.

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Solve for Today.
Evolve for Tomorrow.

Agile Transformation | Modernization| DevOps | Artificial Intelligence | Service Delivery

Excellians are passionate thinkers, big dreamers and dedicated problem-solvers.


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