Paul Adams
@adactio @Armstrong thanks! Very interesting reading :)
Some excellent research from Chris, canvassing opinions on whether there’s a difference between web “apps” and web “sites”. His conclusion:
Almost none of the points above ring true for me. All I see are exceptions and gray area.
If nothing else, the fact that none of the proposed distinctions agree with one another show how pointless the phrase “web app” is—if people have completely differing ideas on what a phrase means, it is completely useless in furthering discussion …the very definition of a buzzword.
This leads me to think perhaps the “web app” moniker (certainly the newer of the two) is simply just a fashionable term. We like the sound of it, so we use it, regardless if it truly means anything.
But all of this is, I think, missing the more important point: why? Why would you want to separate the cornucopia of the web into two simplistic buckets? What purpose does it serve? That’s the question that really needs be answered.
If we could pin down a super accurate definition that we agreed on, even then it might not be particularly useful. And since we can’t, I argue it’s even less useful.
The most accurate (and damning) definition of a “web app” that I’ve heard so far is: a web site that requires JavaScript to work.
@adactio @Armstrong thanks! Very interesting reading :)
@thegaw Thank you very much, Tyler. Much appreciated.
What an excellent question! And what an excellent bit of sleuthing to get to the bottom of it. This is like linguistic spelunking on the World Wide Web.
Oh, and of course I love the little sidenote at the end.
If there’s one takeaway from all this, it’s that the web is a flexible medium where any number of technologies can be combined in all sorts of interesting ways.
Don’t let the name distract you—progressive web apps are for everyone.
We must go deeper.
Say “web app” One. More. Time!
# Liked by Everywhere on Tuesday, October 21st, 2014 at 9:31pm
# Liked by Marco Raimondi on Saturday, November 8th, 2014 at 6:47am