Beauty and Ugliness in Type design | I love typography, the typography and fonts blog

A fascinating look at what happens when you mash up beauty and ugliness in one typeface.

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Mary Dyson’s short book is available for free online as a lovely web book:

  1. What do we mean by legibility?
  2. How we read
  3. Perspectives on legibility
  4. What is measured and how
  5. Overview of research: Type
  6. Overview of research: Typography
  7. Beyond legibility research

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V6: Typography and Proportions | Rob Weychert

Rob walks us through the typographic choices for his recent redesign:

Most of what I design that incorporates type has a typographic scale as its foundation, which informs the typeface choices and layout proportions. The process of creating that scale begins by asking what the type needs to do, and what role contrasting sizes will play in that.

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Interface font family

Interface is a font for highly legible text on computer screens.

And it’s free!

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Typography for User Interfaces | Viljami Salminen

The history and physiology of text on screen. You can also see the slides from the talk that prompted this article.

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Read Regular / Introduction

A forthcoming typeface designed specifically to help people with dyslexia read and write more effectively.

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