Vitamin Features » The thrill of launch
A great narrative by Peter Nixey detailing the ups and downs of launching a web app (Clickpass in this case).
Quite a few people got sick after South by Southwest. There seems to be some kind of virus going around. Inevitably, the virus now has a Twitter account.
A great narrative by Peter Nixey detailing the ups and downs of launching a web app (Clickpass in this case).
Dan Hon's very extensive notes from Alex Wright's great talk at South by Southwest, The Web That Wasn't.
A nice summary of the technologies presented at my SXSW panel.
An iPhone-optimised schedule for South by Southwest.
Look what Taylor made: a handy schedule of everything going on at South By Southwest. Smart kid.
The story of how one of my Flickr pictures came to be used in a Hollywood movie.
XHTML Enemies Network
Power goes to my head.
Once upon a lunchtime in America.
How Erin and Peter saved South by Southwest.