Nic Chan
What an excellent personal website!
A website is not a magazine, though it might have magazine-like articles. A website is not an application, although you might use it to purchase products or interact with other people. A website is not a database, although it might be driven by one.
What an excellent personal website!
The arc of the web is long and bends towards flexibility.
This looks like a handy collection of HTML web components for common interface patterns.
drab does not use the shadow DOM, so you can style content within these elements as usual with CSS.
A plea to let users do web things on websites. In other words, stop over-complicating everything with buckets of JavaScript.
Honestly, this isn’t wishlist isn’t asking for much, and it’s a damning indictment of “modern” frontend development that we’ve come to this:
- Let me copy text so I can paste it.
- If something navigates like a link, let me do link things.
- …
- Make the right thing easy
- Always answer “so what”?
- Close the gap between “something is wrong” to “we fixed it”
Some buggy behaviour has been fixed in iOS 18 but now there’s a new bit of weirdness.
Figuring out how Safari on iOS uses the Web Share API.
Unexpected behaviour in the clipboard.
The only way to win is not to play.
Let’s get together and feel alright.
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# Liked by davidmead on Saturday, July 14th, 2018 at 3:24pm