SSL Issuer Popularity -

This graph warms the cockles of my heart. It’s so nice to see a genuinely good project like Let’s Encrypt come in and upset the applecart of a sluggish monopolistic industry.

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Related links

Extended Validation is Broken

How a certificate with extended validation makes it easier to phish. But I think the title could be amended—here’s what’s really broken:

On Safari, the URL is completely hidden! This means the attacker does not even need to register a convincing phishing domain. They can register anything, and Safari will happily cover it with a nice green bar.

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Certified Malice – text/plain

Following from that great post about the “zone of death” in browsers, Eric Law looks at security and trust in a world where certificates are free and easily available …even to the bad guys.

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HTTPS Adoption *doubled* this year

Slowly but surely the web is switching over to HTTPS. The past year shows a two to threefold increase.

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For your information, the Let’s Encrypt client is now called Certbot for some reason.

Carry on.

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Installing Letsencrypt on Ubuntu 14.04 and nginx |

If you’re planning the move to TLS and your server is on Digital Ocean running Nginx, Graham’s here to run you through the (surprisingly simple) process.

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Insecure …again

Breaking the web for security.

Switching to HTTPS on Apache 2.4.7 on Ubuntu 14.04 on Digital Ocean

The super-sexy title is because this stuff tends to be super-specific to the server setup.