Web Publications for the Open Web Platform: Vision And Technical Challenges

Given my experience publishing Resilient Web Design as a web book, I think I should take a good look at this nascent spec.

What we envision for Packaged Web Publications is similar to the goals and techniques of Progressive Web Apps: breaking the boundaries between web sites and mobile apps, an emphasis on “offline” paradigms, and so on. The time is right to broaden the scope and power of the web to include publications.

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Ricardo Mendes

Just another test from Woodwind.xyz, can I comment from woodwind and POSSE to mastodon & twitter ? answer: yes :)

Ricardo Mendes

Been busy on https://armada.digital/en lately so when I logged in to my woodwind.xyz account, using my own website to login I was impressed to notice not only I could intereact with the content of my subscriptions (like, reply, fav) but I was also able to comment (using my own site to host the comment thanks to micropub) but most of all I could POSSE or syndicate my comment to the social media profile I wanted without leaving the Woodwind interface : this in short is a dream come true for me, it means I can read content I subscribe in one place and use my own site as a pilot to push my interactions to other silo’s (think facebook, twitter or more open mastodon) while hosting the reply on my own website !! I’m trully amazed but maybe you think this all sounds like very complicated, so let me link to a few examples : 

This is Woodwind interface, it shows a post from Jeremy Keith at adaction.com 

I commented from Woodwind but thanks to Micropub, I self-host my comments : 

Link : https://www.rmendes.net/2017/just-another-test-from-woodwindxyz-can-i-comment-from-woodwind

Thanks to Webmentions these self-hosted comments are also displayed on Adaction.com blog post : https://adactio.com/links/12608

This is amazing, not sure people realize how much amazing it is in fact !

it means indieweb principles, ideas are every day one step closer to become a unified “put it in practice” approach to build interactions on the openweb between differents website/indentities while still being able to push these interactions where one’s want them to go (mastodon, twitter, facebook) and still be part of global conversation while retaining ownership of data produced. All of this is possible thanks to amazing people in different communities cooperating together to build step by step another vision of the social web, a vision where People are in the center of interactions and have control on the content they produce while still dancing with other platforms or closed platforms; this is huge !

Meet the IndieWeb peeps on IRC on Freenode, visit https://www.indieweb.org !