Troy Hunt: HTTPS adoption has reached the tipping point

Things are looking good for HTTPS.

Troy Hunt: HTTPS adoption has reached the tipping point

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We need more phishing sites on HTTPS!

All the books, Montag.

If we want a 100% encrypted web then we need to encrypt all sites, despite whether or not you agree with what they do/say/sell/etc… 100% is 100% and it includes the ‘bad guys’ too.

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The Guardian has moved to https 🔒 | Info | The Guardian

Details of The Guardian’s switch to HTTPS.

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HTTPS Adoption *doubled* this year

Slowly but surely the web is switching over to HTTPS. The past year shows a two to threefold increase.

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For your information, the Let’s Encrypt client is now called Certbot for some reason.

Carry on.

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Adding HTTPS to your web site - Robert’s talk

Robert walks through the process he went through to get HTTPS up and running on his Media Temple site.

If you have any experience of switching to HTTPS, please, please share it.

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