Geekend IV: The Revenge

London was the setting for another geekend get-together on Saturday.

It was great to see the familiar faces of Stuart, Dunstan and Patrick. There were also a couple of first-timers: Ian and Simon. Of course the Brighton gang, myself, Andy and Richard, were there as well. We haven’t missed one of these gatherings yet.

Unfortunately, the delegations from Oxford, Nottingham and Wales weren’t able to make it this time. They missed a most enjoyable day in the nation’s capital.

After convening for breakfast in Covent Garden, we traversed the bustling hub of Leicester Square, which was being decked out for the BAFTA ceremony, and made our way to the Apple Store on Regent Street. We were like kids in a toy store, one with refurb toys being sold at a discount. I exercised great willpower. I didn’t buy anything.

Having passed the temptation test, we converged on a nearby pub to engage in the core activity of these gatherings: chatting and drinking. The subject matter ranged widely but there was, of course, much discussion of web standards.

The talk continued at the nearby Busaba Eathai where we feasted on some rather nice Thai food. After that, people began to disperse one by one. There was time for one more pub stop and then I too caught a train home.

All in all, it was a most pleasurable day out in the big smoke. But there was also work to be done. We didn’t meet up just to shoot the breeze. We had an invasion to plan. The next time that our vectors converge will be in one month’s time at South by South West.

Look out, Austin. The Brit Pack is on its way.

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Previously on this day

23 years ago I wrote A Canticle for Leibowitz

My reading matter lately seems to consist entirely of classic science fiction books I haven’t read in years.

23 years ago I wrote Human Virus Scanner

You can keep your Nortons and your McAfees.

23 years ago I wrote Blog This

Consider it blogged.