August in America, day thirteen

I’ve been to San Diego twice before. The first time was in 2008 for one of Jared’s conferences that took place on Coronado. The second time was two years later for An Event Apart in 2010. That time I was staying downtime.

This time I’m staying with Jeb in Ocean Beach. I like it here. It’s got a very laid-back feel. People walk down the street with surfboards under their arms. Or else they skate down the street. Probably on their way to get fish tacos. Exceptionally good fish tacos.

Beach scene

As the name suggests, there is a beach here. More importantly, there is a dog beach. A dog beach! A beach where dogs of all shapes and sizes can run free, cavort in the surf and sniff one another’s butts.

I like dog-watching and everyone here has a dog. I particularly like hanging out with these two mutts: Lola and Mesa.

Jeb and Lola Mesa

Like almost everywhere in San Diego, Ocean Beach lies under a flight path—a natural consequence of having your airport right downtown. Jeb told us about “The OB Pause”. That’s when you’re in the middle of a conversation and you pause…


…and then continue right where you left off once the jet has left your airspace.

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Previously on this day

14 years ago I wrote Re-tabulate

Combining responsive design with CSS table layout to rearrange the display of content and navigation.

14 years ago I wrote Re-flex

Putting content first by combining responsive design with the CSS3 flexible box layout module.

18 years ago I wrote Wireframework

Frameworks have their place… but that place probably isn’t on the Web.

19 years ago I wrote API changes

Heads up. Flickr and have made some changes.

20 years ago I wrote Joe Clark in the flesh

Ryan Carson, one of the minds behind BD4D, has started putting on some pretty darn excellent one-day workshops in London. He’s already had Eric Meyer over for CSS training. Next week, Cal Henderson will be talking about the building of Flickr.

20 years ago I wrote Blogging from Word

In April 2004, Tim Bray wrote:

21 years ago I wrote A gaggle of geeks

This weekend, Brighton was the setting for Geekend 2: Electric Boogaloo.

22 years ago I wrote Swimming

Swimming is just like riding a bike: life-threateningly dangerous but good exercise.

23 years ago I wrote Betrayal

Take a look at the photo in this PR story from the White House.