Breaking boxes with Brian

It all started with some silliness at The Highland Fling. With the shwag preparation complete, the volunteers created a wall of cardboard boxes and we filmed Brian’s head-on assault.

Fast forward to dConstruct 2007. The bag stuffing and schwag prep was all wrapped up the day before the conference. There were packing boxes aplenty. Said boxes were quickly stacked into an edifice of cardboard and cameras were unsheathed.

Here are three angles (more will probably follow):

Breaking boxes with Brian

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Previously on this day

19 years ago I wrote Have iPod, will travel

I’ll be travelling to Gatwick airport tomorrow morning to board a plane bound for Florida. Now that the state seems to be relatively hurricane-free, it’s as good a time as any to take a break and hang out at the beach house.

21 years ago I wrote An apology

I have the horrible feeling that while I was working over at Message last week, I passed on my cold to Andy.

22 years ago I wrote Let's agree to disagree

Compare and contrast…