
It sounds like Mashup Camp was a hive of very productive activity. Kevin Lawver gave a presentation on portable social networks but instead of just talking about it, he wrote some Ruby code. Kevin is using OpenID for log in, followed by hCard parsing and XFN spidering (see also: Gavin Bell’s work). Superb stuff!

Meanwhile, Plaxo is now supporting OpenID and microformats thanks to the efforts of Kaliya and Chris.

And just in case you think that this is still a niche geek thing, here are the job details for Program Manager of Internet Explorer over at Microsoft:

Does the idea of redefining the role of the Internet browser appeal to you? Do the terms HTTP, RSS, Microformats, and OpenID, excite you? If so, then this just might be the opportunity for you.

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Progressive disclosure with hCard and OpenID.

Related links

4 Technologies for Portability in Social Networks: A Primer - ReadWriteWeb

A nice summary of the technologies presented at my SXSW panel.

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Portable Social Networks: Take Your Friends with You [Content]

Brian's article on portable social networks is a clear and concise introduction to the subject with explanations of the technologies involved.

Tagged with - Share and remix data using open standards

A new site to track the building blocks of portable social networks: OpenID, OAuth, hCard, XFN and more.

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Portable Social Networks at Mashup Camp :: UltraNormal

Kevin Lawver has implemented portable social networks by mashing up OpenID and microformats in Rails. Read the presentation and download the code.

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