
If you’re the kind of person who enjoys living under a rock, allow me to be the first to tell you that Apple have released Boot Camp Public Beta which allows Intel-based Macs to dual boot OS X and Windows XP.

My reaction, much like everyone else, was “Holy shit!”.

Blogland is awash with hypotheses and conjecture about what this means for Apple, the company. I’m a lot more selfish than that: I just care about what it means for me.

See, I was thinking about getting a cheap PC laptop. It would be nice to have a machine just for testing websites in — Virtual PC runs a mite slow. Now I’m not going to buy that laptop. Instead, this is the little bit of extra encouragement I needed to invest in a new Intel-based iMac.

Apple wins because I’m buying a Mac. Microsoft wins because I’m going to buy a license for Windows. Dell (or some other PC manufacturer) loses.

Still, I’m probably not the target audience of this move. It warms my heart to read Greg Storey’s… er, story… of a friend who’s switching. Well, maybe switching isn’t the right word anymore. Ambi-OS-trous might be more accurate.

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Previously on this day

20 years ago I wrote Feed me

Molly’s been busy lately. Not only has she been interviewing the father of CSS, she’s also found time to put together a table of syndication link locations.

20 years ago I wrote Buying music

Mark Cuban believes the countdown to the extinction of CDs is about to begin. He bases this on personal experience:

22 years ago I wrote One Cool Cucumber

Bleeding ears, stiff upper lip… it must be John Simpson:

23 years ago I wrote Paris in Spring

I’m making a flying visit to Paris this weekend.

23 years ago I wrote Web Designer Builds Home out of Flash

It’s funny because it’s true: