They're going to have boats on the Lake of Shining Waters--and ice
cream, as I told you.
She was a beauty in color, the blood spraying her white skin so deliciously as to earn for her the apt description, "peaches and
cream." She was a beauty in the regularity of her features; and, if for no other reason, she was a beauty in the mere delicacy of the lines on which she was moulded.
Baked apples, with Brook-trout, from Sierra
cream. Nevadas.
"I'm sure I should like my breakfast better if I knew the butter and cream came from this dairy.
Poyser, to supply my house with milk, cream, and butter at the market prices.
The "
cream of really good society" consisted of the fascinating Helene, forsaken by her husband, Mortemart, the delightful Prince Hippolyte who had just returned from Vienna, two diplomatists, the old aunt, a young man referred to in that drawing room as "a man of great merit"
Norris, having fidgeted about, and obtained a few pheasants' eggs and a cream cheese from the housekeeper, and made abundance of civil speeches to Mrs.
There, Fanny, you shall carry that parcel for me; take great care of it: do not let it fall; it is a cream cheese, just like the excellent one we had at dinner.
Neither the beef nor the strawberries and
cream seemed happy, either - seemed discontented like.
"Salt instead of sugar, and the
cream is sour," replied Meg with a tragic gesture.
He made up his mind to eat less, but unfortunately it was not possible to carry out this brilliant idea when he wakened each morning with an amazing appetite and the table near his sofa was set with a breakfast of home-made bread and fresh butter, snow-white eggs, raspberry jam and clotted
cream. Mary always breakfasted with him and when they found themselves at the table--particularly if there were delicate slices of sizzling ham sending forth tempting odors from under a hot silver cover--they would look into each other's eyes in desperation.
But she could not, as at other times, hit the exact under-surface of the
cream with the delicate dexterity required, try as she might; sometimes she was cutting down into the milk, sometimes in the air.