Luck Based Medicine: No Good Very Bad Winter Cured My Hypothyroidism

I’ve previously written about Luck Based Medicine: the idea that, having exhausted all the reasonable cures for some issue, you are better off just trying shit rather than trying to reason more cures into existence. I share LBM success stories primarily as propaganda for the concept: the chance any one cure works for anyone else is <10% (sometimes much less), but a culture where people try things and share their results.

I’ve also previously written about my Very Unlucky Winter. My mattress developed mold, and in the course of three months I had four distinct respiratory infections, to devastating effect. A year later I am still working my way through side effects like asthma and foot pain. 

But, uh, I also appear to have cured my hypothyroidism, and the best hypothesis as to why is all the povidone iodine I gargled for all those respiratory infections illnesses.

Usually when I discuss fringe medicine I like to say “anything with a real effect can hurt you”, because it’s a nice catchall for potential danger. In this case, I can be more direct: anything that cures hypothyroidism has a risk of causing hyperthyroidism. The symptoms for this start with “very annoying” and end at “permanent disability or death”, so if you’re going to try iodine, it absolutely needs to be under medical supervision with regular testing. 

All that said…

I was first diagnosed with hypothyroidism 15 years ago, and 10 years ago tried titrating off medication but was forced back on. My thyroid numbers were in the range where mainstream MDs would think about treating and every ND, NP, or integrative MD would treat immediately. 

Low iodine can contribute to hypothyroidism, and my serum iodine tested at low normal for years, so we had of course tried supplementing iodine via pills, repeatedly, to no result. No change in thyroid and no change in serum iodine levels.

In January of the Very Unlucky Winter, I caught covid. I take covid hard under the best of circumstances and was still suffering aftereffects from RSV the previous month, so I was quite scared. Reddit suggested gargling povidone iodine and after irresponsibly little research, I tried it. My irresponsibility paid off in that the covid case was short and didn’t reach my lungs. I stopped taking iodine when I recovered but between all the illnesses, potential illnesses, and prophylactic use I ened up using it for quite a long period.

My memories of this time are very fuzzy and there were a lot of things going on, but the important bits are: I developed terrible insomnia, hand tremors, and temperature regulation issues. These had multiple potential explanations, but one of them was hyperthyroidism so my doctor had me tested. Sure enough, I had healed my thyroid to the point my once-necessary medication was giving me hyperthyroidism. 

Over the next few months I continued gargling with iodine and titrating my medication down. After ~6 months I was off it entirely. I’ve since been retested twice (6 weeks and 20 weeks after ceasing medication) and it looks like I’m clean. 

Could this have been caused by something besides iodine? I suppose, and I was on a fantastic number of pills, but I can’t figure out what else it could be. Hypothyroidism has a very short list of curable underlying causes, and none of them are treated by anything I was taking. 

So why did gargling iodine work when pills didn’t? It could be the formulation, but given my digestive system’s deepseated issues, I’m suspicious that the key was letting the iodine be absorbed through the mucous membrane of the throat, rather than attempting to through the gut. If that’s true, maybe I can work around my other unresponsive vitamin deficiencies by using sublingual multivitamins. I started them in June and am waiting to take the relevant test.

Thank you to my Patreon patrons for their support of this work. 

There is a $500 bounty for reporting errors that cause me to change my beliefs, and an at-my-discretion bounty for smaller errors. 

(Salt) Water Gargling as an Antiviral


Over the past year I’ve investigated potential interventions against respiratory illnesses. Previous results include “Enovid nasal spray is promising but understudied”, “Povidone iodine is promising but understudied” and “Humming will solve all your problems no wait it’s useless”. Two of the iodine papers showed salt water doing as well or almost as well as iodine. I assume salt water has lower side effects, so that seemed like a promising thing to check. I still believe that, but that’s about all I believe, because papers studying gargling salt water (without nasal irrigation) are few and far between. 

I ended up finding only one new paper I thought valuable that wasn’t already included in my original review of iodine, and it focused on tap water, not salt water. It found a 30% drop in illness when gargling increased in frequency from 1 time per day to 3.6 times, which is fantastic. But having so few relevant papers with such small sample sizes has a little alarm going off in my head screaming publication BIAS publication BIAS. So this is going in the books as another intervention that is promising but understudied, with no larger conclusions drawn. 


Estimating salivary carriage of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in nonsymptomatic people and efficacy of mouthrinse in reducing viral load: A randomized controlled trial

Note that despite the title, they only gave mouthwashes to participants with symptoms.

This study had 40 participants collect saliva, rinse their mouth with one of four mouthwashes, and then collect more saliva 15 and 45 minutes later . Researchers then compared compared the viral load in the initial collection with the viral load 15 and 45 minutes later. The overall effect was very strong: 3 of the washes had a 90% total reduction in viral load, and the loser of the bunch (chlorhexidine) still had a 70% reduction (error bars fairly large). So taken at face value, salt water was at least as good as the antiseptic washes. 

(Normal saline is 0.9% salt by weight, or roughly 0.1 teaspoons salt per 4 tablespoons water)

[ETA 11/19: an earlier version of this post incorrectly stated 1 teaspon per 4 tablespoons. Thank you anonymous]

This graph is a little confusing: both the blue and green bars represent a reduction in viral load relative to the initial collection. Taken at face value, this means chlorhexidine lost ground between minutes 15 and 45, peroxide and saline did all their work in 15 minutes, and iodine took longer to reach its full effect.  However, all had a fairly large effect.

My guess is this is an overestimate of the true impact, because I expect an oral rinse to have a greater effect on virons in saliva than in cells (where the cell membrane protects them from many dangers). Saline may also inflate its impact by breaking down dead RNA that was detectable via PCR but never dangerous. 

The short-term effect of different chlorhexidine forms versus povidone iodine mouth rinse in minimizing the oral SARS-CoV-2 viral load: An open label randomized controlled clinical trial study

This study had a fairly similar experimental set up to the previous: 12 people per group tried one of three mouth washes, or a lozenge. Participants collected saliva samples immediately before and after the treatments, and researchers compared (a proxy for) viral loads between them.

Well, kind of. The previous study calculated the actual viral load and compared before and after. This study calculated the number of PCR cycles they needed to run before reaching detectable levels of covid in the sample. This value is known as cycle threshold, or Ct. It is negatively correlated with viral load (a smaller load means you need more cycles before it becomes detectable), but the relationship is not straightforward. It depends on the specific virus, the machine set up, and the existing cycle count. So you can count on a higher Ct count representing an improvement, but a change of 4 is not necessarily twice as good as a change of 2, and a change from 30->35 is not necessarily the same as a change from  20->25. The graph below doesn’t preclude them doing that, but doesn’t prove they did so either. My statistician (hi Dad) says they confirmed a normal distribution of differences in means before the analysis, which is somewhat comforting. 

This study found a significant effect for iodine and chlorhexidine lozenges, but not saline or chlorhexidine mouthwash. This could be accurate, an anomaly from a small sample size, or an artifact of the saline group having a higher starting Ct value (=lower viral load) to start from.

Prevention of upper respiratory tract infections by gargling: a randomized trial

This study started with 387 healthy volunteers and instructed them to gargle tap (not salt) water or iodine at least three times a day (the control and iodine group also gargled water once per day). For 60 days volunteers recorded a daily symptom diary. This set up is almost everything I could ask for: it looked at real illness over time rather than a short term proxy like viral load, and adherence was excellent. Unfortunately, the design were some flaws. 

Most notably, the study functionally only counted someone as sick if they had both nose and throat symptoms (technically other symptoms counted, but in practice these were rare). For a while I was convinced this was disqualifying, because water gargling could treat the pain of a sore throat without reducing viral load. However the iodine group was gargling as often as the frequent watergarglers, without their success. Iodine does irritate the throat, but gargling iodine 3 times per day produced about as much illness as water once per day. It seems very unlikely that iodine’s antiviral and throat-irritant properties would exactly cancel out. 

Taking the results at face value, iodine 3x/day + water 1x/day was no better than water 1x/day on its own. Water 3.6x/day led to a 30% reduction in illness (implicitly defined as lacking throat symptoms)

The paper speculates that iodine failed because it harmed the microbiome of the throat, causing short term benefits but long term costs. I liked this explanation because I hypothesized that problem in my previous post. Alas, it doesn’t match the data. If iodine traded a short term benefit for long term cost, you’d expect illness to be suppressed at first and catch up later. This is the opposite of what you see in the graph for iodine. However it’s not a bad description of what we see for frequent water gargling – at 15 days, 10% more of the low-frequency water garglers have gotten sick. At 50 days it’s 20% more – fully double the proportion of sick people in the frequent water gargler group. For between 50 and 60 days, the control group stays almost flat, and the frequent water garglers have gone up 10 percentage points. 

What does this mean? Could be noise, could be gargling altering the microbiome or irritating the throat, could be that the control group ran out of people to get sick. Or perhaps some secret fourth thing.

None of the differences in symptoms-once-ill were significant to p<0.05, possibly as a result of their poor definition of illness, or the fact that the symptom assessment was made a full 7 days after symptom onset.

Assuming arguendo that gargling water works, why? There’s an unlikely but interesting idea in another paper from the same authors, based on the same data. They point to a third paper that demonstrated dust mite proteins worsen colds and flus, and suggest that gargling helps by removing those dust mite proteins. Alas, their explanation of why this would help for colds but not flus makes absolutely no goddamn sense, which makes it hard to trust an already shaky idea. 

A boring but more reasonable explanation is that Japanese tapwater contains chlorine, and this acts as a disinfectant. 

Dishonorable Mention: Vitamin D3 and gargling for the prevention of upper respiratory tract infections: a randomized controlled trial

I silently discarded several papers I read for this project but this one was so bad I needed to name and shame.

The study used a 2×2 analysis examining vitamin D and gargling with tap water. However it was “definitively” underpowered to detect interactions, so they combined the gargling with and without vitamin D vs. no gargling with and without D into groups, without looking for any interaction between vitamin D and gargling. This design is bad and they should feel bad. 


Water (salted or no) seems at least as promising an antiviral as other liquids you could gargle, with a lower risk of side effects. So if you’re going to gargle, it seems like water is the best choice. However I still have concerns about the effect of longterm gargling on the microbiome, so I am restricting myself to high risk situations or known illness. However the data is sparse, and ignoring all of this is a pretty solid move. 

Thank you to Lightspeed Grants and my Patreon patrons for their support of this work. Thanks to Craig Van Nostrand for statistical consults.

There is a $500 bounty for reporting errors that cause me to change my beliefs, and an at-my-discretion bounty for smaller errors. 

Chaos Theory in Ecology

One of the reasons I got into chaos theory as a model paradigm shift was the famous Gleick book on chaos. One of the reasons I believed the Gleick book was trustworthy was that its description of chaos in ecology and population biology matched what I learned in college, 25 years later. Recently I learned that the professor who taught me was one of maybe 3 theoretical ecologists in the country who taught or believed in chaos having applications to ecology at the time. Perhaps I should have been more suspicious that he was writing his own textbook.

However chaos is back in vogue in ecology, and attempts are in progress to make it pay rent. In this latest podcast episode I talk with Drs Stephen Munch and Tanya Rogers (both of work at NOAA, but were speaking as private citizens) about their application of chaos theory to ecology and fisheries management.

Most interesting takeaways:

  • You can translate some physics techniques into ecology, despite the smallest dataset in physics being 100x larger than the largest ecological dataset. 
  • The work discussed in this episode, and perhaps all of chaos in ecology, is downstream of one physicist turned mathematician and biologist (Robert May).
    • Doyne Farmer (a founding chaotician) talks about physics colonizing finance and economics due to a bad job market, which has me thinking scientific progress comes from hyping a field so the smartest people get deep into it, and then denying them jobs so they’re forced to colonize other fields.
  • Empirical Dynamical Modeling allows you to substitute past observations of known variables for current observations of unknown variables. This gets you a longer prediction horizon than you could otherwise get with only the known variables.
  • There is a salmon forecasting prize and it pays $2000-$5000 cash

I’ve had some requests to include transcripts in the body of the text rather than a separate document. I’ll try that this time and if you don’t like, please complain.

Thank you to my Patreon Patrons for their support.

Chaos in Theoretical Ecology

[00:00:00] Elizabeth: Hey, this is Elizabeth Van Nostrand. Today I’m going to talk to two guests about the influence and applications of chaos theory on population biology and ecology. 

[00:00:10] Stephen Munch: I’m Steve Munch. I am , an evolutionary ecologist, a mathematical ecologist. I work at , NOAA Fisheries, and I’m an adjunct in Applied Math at UC Santa Cruz. I have an abiding interest in applying math to ecological and evolutionary problems. And for the past decade or so, I’ve been thinking a lot about chaos and nonlinear forecasting and its potential role as a tool in ecosystem management.

[00:00:38] Tanya Rogers: I’m Tanya Rogers. I’m a research fish biologist here at NOAA Fisheries. My background is in ecology, and I got more interested in population dynamics and modeling in graduate school and in how that can be applied to solving ecological problems. Steve was my postdoctoral advisor and we continue to collaborate on projects. 

[00:01:02] Elizabeth: You guys co wrote several papers on chaos and empirical dynamical modeling in biology and especially in conservation and wildlife management.

[00:01:12] Stephen Munch: Primarily fisheries, but, the math is the same, whether it’s a bird or a fish. 

[00:01:16] Elizabeth: My recollection from college was fisheries was the place one made money with population biology.

[00:01:24] Tanya Rogers: Well, I think fisheries certainly makes itself a lot of money and there’s a lot of interest in ensuring that fisheries are sustainable and profitable. And so there’s a lot of interest in making sure that our management is as good as it can be and that we’re, using the best models possible for fisheries. 

[00:01:45] Stephen Munch: My ph. D. advisor once said that, uh, you know, a lot of people in the oceanography program look down on fisheries, but fisheries employs more marine ecologists than any other subdiscipline. So it’s not a bad bet if you would like to have a job after grad school. 

[00:02:01] Elizabeth: And you’re applying chaos theory right now to fisheries management, right?

[00:02:05] Stephen Munch: Well, I’m applying it right now to fisheries data in the hopes of getting this stuff used in management. There’s the fishery for shrimp in the Gulf of Mexico, which is a federally managed fishery where they’re exploring using EDM to set harvest policy and next year’s, landings targets.

[00:02:28] Elizabeth: Uh, could you explain EDM before we go further?

[00:02:32] Tanya Rogers: empirical dynamic modeling, or EDM, is a way of.

[00:02:35] Tanya Rogers: Modeling a dynamical system when we have incomplete knowledge and incomplete data about that system, as is often the case in ecosystems, and it does so in a way that preserves the dynamical properties of that system, including chaos and allows us to make better short term predictions in chaotic systems without making a lot of assumptions.

[00:02:55] Tanya Rogers: So EDM has two main features. The first is that it’s a non parametric approach that makes few assumptions about the functional forms of relationships. And the second is that it uses time lags to account for unobserved variables. To explain this further, the relationship between some values, say fish abundance and its past values is going to follow the relationship in the data rather than some predefined functional form.

[00:03:22] Tanya Rogers: It can also happen that some of the apparent noise around this relationship can be explained by adding additional dimensions. For example, the abundance of a prey species. So perhaps we can predict fish abundance better using past fish abundance and past prey abundance. Now it may be the case that we don’t have data on prey abundance, in which case you can actually substitute an additional lag of fish abundance.

[00:03:45] Tanya Rogers: So not just fish last year, but also fish two years ago. And you’ll get a different looking relationship, but it will still do a pretty good job at predicting abundance. So why this works has to do with Taken’s delay embedding theorem, but the point is that missing variables create memory in the system.

[00:04:04] Tanya Rogers: And so you can use lags of observed variables as substitutes for unobserved variables. What this means practically in population biology is that we can model population size as some function of past of lags of past population sizes. And this function is fit using nonparametric methods. What this means practically in population biology is that we’re modeling population size as some function of lags of past population sizes, and this function is fit using nonparametric methods.

[00:04:38] Tanya Rogers: So chaos and using methods that can accommodate chaos, like EDM, matters for ecological forecasting because it affects how far realistically you can predict into the future. So chaotic dynamics, unlike random dynamics, are deterministic and predictable in the short term, um, And so if chaos is can mischaracterize as noise around an equilibrium, you’re going to miss out on that short term predictability and make worse forecasts than you could otherwise.

[00:05:07] Tanya Rogers: Long term forecasts will also be inaccurate and overconfident if you assume the system is just going to converge to an equilibrium. In terms of ecological inference, the sensitivity to initial conditions that results from chaos might also vary. Help explain why some experimental replicates with seemingly identical starting conditions sometimes end up in totally, totally different places

[00:05:28] Elizabeth: How do you determine sensitivity to initial conditions or whether it’s just random?

[00:05:37] Tanya Rogers: well, part of it is determining whether or not it’s chaotic or not. 

[00:05:40] Tanya Rogers: There are a variety of methods for detecting chaos, which we explore in our paper. Many of them use EDM or a similar form of time delay embedding to reconstruct the dynamics in a flexible way. And from that, estimate some quantities such as the Lyapunov exponent, which quantifies the deterministic divergence rate of nearby trajectories.

[00:06:02] Speaker 4: The idea is actually really simple, that if you take two points, two states of the system that are initially close together. In day to day experience, the things that we think of as, uh, predictable, as deterministic, you know, you do the same thing twice in a row, you expect to get the same answer. You do slightly different things twice in a row, you expect to get slightly different answers, right? And that’s, that’s where chaos is really different.

[00:06:30] Speaker 4: You do slightly different things and you get really different answers, you know, if you wait long enough. That’s the important part. That’s the difference between something that’s random and something that’s chaotic. Something’s random, you do two, two slightly different things. You get two different answers immediately.

[00:06:47] Speaker 4: Whereas in chaos, things become effectively random if you wait long enough. But there’s the period between then and now where you can see the dynamics unfolding and that makes things predictable, at least over the short term.

[00:07:03] Tanya Rogers: So that paper we explored several different methods that um, are used to detect chaos. Many of them were developed in physics but had not been tested on ecologically, or time series of ecologically relevant lengths, which is to say short ones, and with uh, Ecologically relevant levels of observation error.

[00:07:26] Stephen Munch: To give you some context for that, a lot of those papers test things on short time series, which have 5000 observations. Ecological time series that are long are 50 years, which is one time

[00:07:42] Elizabeth: That would be an astonishing data set

[00:07:45] Stephen Munch: Right. Yeah, so what, you know, two people’s careers is 50 years, right, of ecological data collection.

[00:07:55] Stephen Munch: So, very different standards in terms of, you know, time series length. So, it was an open question whether any of these things would work on ecologically relevant timescales. And, and there are definitely things that would miss, um, having only 50 time points that you, you would love to see if you had 5, 000, but.

[00:08:15] Tanya Rogers: we found three of the six methods we tried did not work very well at all, but three performed reasonably well, and in the presence of observation error, they were more likely to not detect chaos when it’s present than to detect chaos when it’s absent. 

[00:08:31] Elizabeth: This is one of the things that attracted me to chaos initially was that techniques developed in one field could be applied to a seemingly completely unrelated field. So I would love if you could get into details on like how you chose what to port over from physics and what you had to change.

[00:08:51] Tanya Rogers: So I think whether we’re talking about complex physical systems or complex ecological systems, the concepts are very much the same, and so the main difference, I think, are in terms of data availability, observation error, the time scales on which did the dynamics occur and also how well we understand the underlying dynamics

[00:09:10] Stephen Munch: , the biggest hurdle to having chaos come over to biology is all of the mathematical jargon 

[00:09:16] Elizabeth: So what you guys discovered is maybe there’s many more chaotic, not random ecosystems or species than we thought. And this has implications for managing the population in the short run.

[00:09:29] Tanya Rogers: In our study, we found that chaos wasn’t rare in a database of , ecological population time series. It wasn’t the majority of time series, but chaos wasn’t rare enough to be ignorable, particularly for short lived species.

[00:09:42] Stephen Munch: So since, , chaos theory reached its heyday in the late 90s, early 2000s, people have Arrived at the conclusion that chaos is rare in ecology and rare is hardly ever defined quantitatively, right? People frequently say, well, chaos is rare. Therefore, we can are safe and assuming equilibrium. Chaos is rare. Therefore, uh, we are safe in using linear models to approximate dynamics. 

[00:10:14] Elizabeth: Am I correct that that doesn’t make sense regardless of chaos? . You can have non chaotic, non linear dynamics.

[00:10:22] Stephen Munch: Right. There is that. But most of the time, the context is we like to imagine that ecological systems are stable and given that they are stable, they will recover from some small perturbation

[00:10:37] Elizabeth: That there’s some equilibrium point that, that is definitely self reinforcing and may be an attractor.

[00:10:43] Stephen Munch: Yeah. Um, and, and so a lot of the time the math comes after you assume stability. Stability is the foundation from which we’re going, then you can approximate things with a linear dynamics reasonably well.

[00:10:58] Stephen Munch: You can have some hope of assuming an equilibrium and not being terribly wrong, but if things are chaotic and not stable then that’s, that’s not true. 

[00:11:10] Elizabeth: So if you have a fish population that you are trying to manage to get maximum yield from, if you think there’s some equilibrium, what you try to do is not disturb things away from the equilibrium too much. But , what happens if it’s chaotic ?

[00:11:24] Stephen Munch: So I think probably in terms of management, the, uh, the biggest change in perspective is that a state dependent policy can do a lot better than one that is just sort of do the same thing all the time. If you imagine that things are equilibrium and stable, then you can set a harvest policy and let it go.

[00:11:50] Stephen Munch: And, sometimes you’ll be over, sometimes you’ll be under, but all in all it’ll come out in the wash and you’ll end up with more or less the average return will be that what you predict. for the steady state. If things are chaotic, when you’re over or under, you’ll just keep going off in some direction that you hadn’t really been expecting.

[00:12:09] Stephen Munch: And, uh, so a better policy would be one where you say, okay, uh, when we’re in this state, you can harvest this much when, when things, when the fish abundance is low or has been low for several years, you need to change to a different harvest strategy. When things have been high for several years, you need to change to a different strategy.

[00:12:26] Stephen Munch: And you can do a lot better than, by trying to stick with exactly the same thing.

[00:12:31] Elizabeth: Is anyone doing that?

[00:12:33] Stephen Munch: That is what we’re trying to do with the shrimp fishery in the Gulf of Mexico, what we’re trying to do with the squid fishery in California. Importantly, both of these are short lived species that have huge fluctuations in abundance, that the typical mental model is that dynamics are being driven by Unpredictable environmental variation., in contrast to long lived species like things like on this coast like the rockfish , which, live typically for decades and their dynamics are much smoother, , and so a lot of the sort of standard fisheries things work out okay because the dynamics are so slow to change. But in these short lived species, the dynamics are much faster and they fluctuate much more dramatically, which is why I think that there’s a reason to try applying EDM or chaos theory to managing them. And it turns out that in those, these species that we typically say, oh, you know, most of that fluctuation is due to environmental variation, it turns out that we actually have reasonably good predictability, two or three times the predictability that we have with our standard steady state models.

[00:13:48] Elizabeth: Oh, so there was, a rapid change that was put down to change in the environment and , you can predict that it would have happened using a deterministic model.

[00:13:57] Stephen Munch: Yeah, this is where we’re using the empirical dynamic modeling stuff where the idea is you use past values of the abundance or whatever the system variable is. But in this case, it’s the past abundances of Shrimp or squid to tell us where the next abundance is likely to go now. It’s not just this year’s.

[00:14:20] Elizabeth: Tanya, are you working on that too? Mm hmm. Um,

[00:14:25] Tanya Rogers: I’ve been helping support the applications that Steve is discussing, exploring how we can use EDM to improve predictability and manage species. And also when, where, and in which species we expect to see chaos in ecology more broadly. So the idea is if we use.

[00:14:44] Tanya Rogers: If using time lags of our observed variables as additional coordinates gets us better predictions, that tells us there are state variables missing and we could, we could potentially do better if we had additional data on those variables, if we can figure out what they are.

[00:14:58] Elizabeth: So the idea is like, if you have a 50 variable system, if you could fill in every variable, then that would be enough. You could just use your model to predict the next state. But if you have five of those variables if you use just those five predictions are bad, but if you track those five variables through the past, that gives you some insight into the missing 45.

[00:15:23] Stephen Munch: Right. Yeah. 

[00:15:24] Stephen Munch: There’s a mathematical subtlety there and I don’t know if this is of interest, but if, if you start with a system that’s 50 variables, um, most of the time in things that have chaos, they are contracting. The dynamics actually don’t fill that 50 dimensional space.

[00:15:44] Stephen Munch: They’re actually constrained to often a much lower dimensional shape. called the attractor for the system. And it’s, it’s the dimension of that that tells you how many lags you need or how far into the past you need to go to reconstruct dynamics. 

[00:16:01] Elizabeth: So, if the attractor has five dimensions, you need to go five steps into the past?

[00:16:06] Stephen Munch: It’s twice the attractor dimension plus one. So, 11.

[00:16:11] Elizabeth: Interesting. Is it possible to figure out the dimensions of the state of the attractor? How do you do that in practice?

[00:16:22] Tanya Rogers: The simplest way to go about that is to forecast with one, then two, and then three dimensions, and then continue until you get to a point where the prediction accuracy saturates.

[00:16:31] Elizabeth: So you’re applying EDM to fisheries in particular. You’ve got the shrimp, you’ve got the squid, when will you know if it’s working? How will you know if it’s working?

[00:16:41] Stephen Munch: Well, there’s working and there’s working, right? I mean, so in terms of being able to make better predictions than we can with the models we’ve been using so far, that is working now. In terms of knowing whether our revised harvest policy is going to work better than our historical harvesting policy, that’s going to take some time.

[00:17:06] Stephen Munch: You can really only get there by doing it. And so it’s kind of hard. It’s a hard sell, right? To move to a whole new branch of doing things in real life when, uh, you can’t really demonstrate that you’re sure that it’s going to work

[00:17:20] Elizabeth: I’m gonna ask you both to speculate wildly. Assuming you waved a magic wand and some fishery management of your choice started using your system, what would the improvement be?

[00:17:34] Stephen Munch: well, I have no idea about that, but, uh, I will uh, when we’ve simulated things, we typically do somewhere between 10 to 50 percent better harvest, depending on how the system really works.

[00:17:49] Elizabeth: When you say better, you mean more accurate.

[00:17:52] Stephen Munch: I mean, in terms of 10 to 50 percent more in terms of sustainable, we almost always do somewhere between, 20 to 50 percent better in terms of prediction accuracy.

[00:18:06] Elizabeth: That sounds really impressive. 

[00:18:08] Tanya Rogers: So the idea is that, so the idea is that if populations are fluctuating a lot, we can predict those fluctuations and then harvest accordingly. So this way fishers aren’t over harvesting when abundances are low and won’t miss out on fish they could harvest sustainably when abundances are high. So for instance, I work a bit on salmon forecasting and there’s a lot of interest in making accurate predictions of salmon runs or salmon returns so they can determine how much they can, people can safely harvest versus allow to return to the spawning grounds to start the next generation.

[00:18:44] Tanya Rogers: For my work at least, I developed a new forecast model for the Sacramento River winter run Chinook salmon, which is an endangered run. Managers here want to know how many of these fish are going to be returning in order to set harvest rates so that the endangered run isn’t overly impacted by ocean fishing on non endangered runs, since Chinook salmon are hard to tell apart when they’re out in the ocean.

[00:19:10] Tanya Rogers: And this is one where the time series are a little too short to do EDM with time lags. There’s only about 20 years of data, but we’ve been able to use non parametric regressions and other ways to try and get better forecasts. And that model is currently in use for management and it appears to be doing a much better job than the population model they’d been using previously


[00:19:31] Elizabeth: So you did make substantial improvements in Harvest.

[00:19:34] Tanya Rogers: Well, we’ve made improvements, at least in prediction. Salmon in California face a lot of challenges, not just fishing, and the fishery right now in California is closed due to low abundances of all stocks, so we’ll have to wait and see. 

[00:19:48] Tanya Rogers: recently the salmon prize forecasting competition started. It’s something I participated in on the side for fun outside of work. And they’ve been looking for people to develop models and submit forecasts for different salmon runs. This year’s was for sockeye in three different systems with the hope of finding better prediction models than the ones that are currently in use

[00:20:12] Elizabeth: Going back to, , some of the earlier work we were discussing, steve, you mentioned you were bringing over a lot of stuff from physics, but it needed to be adapted. 

[00:20:23] Elizabeth: One of the reasons I got interested in chaos in particular was it seemed like it should give you the ability to like do work in one field and port it to five different fields. I’m really curious, for every step of this, starting with how did you find the thing, the tools you ended up porting over?

[00:20:43] Stephen Munch: Um. So the, the main tool is the empirical dynamic modeling stuff, which had its, uh, origins in the sort of physics literature in the, um,

[00:20:59] Elizabeth: Oh, so EDM came over from physics do you know how it made that leap?

[00:21:04] Stephen Munch: Yeah, so, uh, there are a couple of seminal papers, uh, in the, uh, late 80s, early 90s. So, Sugihara and May in 1990, uh, showed that you could do this nonlinear forecasting, uh, stuff and in an ecological setting and that, you know, that, that, um, you could make predictions of ecological dynamics without having to have a specific model formulation.

[00:21:37] Stephen Munch: A little bit prior to that, Bill Schaefer and, Mark Kot had a paper on, um, using sort of time delays to try and reconstruct the a low dimensional projection of the dynamics. So their idea was very similar in spirit, using the sort of time lags to reconstruct things, but it , didn’t quite take off as a tool for making practical forecasts.

[00:22:05] Stephen Munch: So that’s, that’s what Sugihara and May managed to do. Um, but the, uh, the idea of the time delays in lieu of A complete set of state variables comes from, , initially a paper by Packard et all, uh, and then, um, a rigorous proof of that idea. So that’s in 1980 and then a rigorous proof of the idea in 1981 by Takens.

[00:22:35] Elizabeth: There were specific scientists who found it somehow

[00:22:38] Elizabeth: I am very curious about the step before the papers getting, get written. what drove people to find something either outside their field or why was , someone already working in an interdisciplinary way and porting over these tools?

[00:22:54] Stephen Munch: So the really early, right, like in the 70s, Bob May, John Beddington, Bill Schaeffer, they were all working on, chaos in ecological dynamics as like from a theoretical point of view and they were they’re hoping they’re showing that like with really slow dimensional models you can get nearly effectively random looking dynamics and maybe that’s why ecological dynamics looks as messy as it does but there wasn’t any easy way to connect that to Ecological time series.

[00:23:28] Stephen Munch: , there were a couple of attempts to do that by fitting low dimensional models to some time series data. Those generally concluded that things were not chaotic. Bob may actually has a really super quote. In one of those papers that says fitting the what is likely to be the high dimensional dynamics of ecological system to this low dimensional model does great violence to the reality of ecology .

[00:23:53] Stephen Munch: That didn’t work. Um, it was a reasonable thing to try when you don’t have too much data, but that, that idea just doesn’t really work. And, um, And then the time delay embedding stuff got invented. And those guys were busy thinking of, they were part of the chaos community.

[00:24:08] Stephen Munch: It wasn’t like, uh, you know Bob may just sort of saw that said, Oh yeah, I can grab that and bring it over from, uh, like, Okay. Without any initial sort of prep, he was already sort of actively participating in sort of theoretical chaos stuff.

[00:24:26] Elizabeth: When was he doing that?

[00:24:28] Stephen Munch: so his early stuff on chaos and ecological dynamics happens in the early 1970s.

[00:24:35] Stephen Munch: And so when Taken’s delay embedding theorem happens, it does take a little while for people to pick it up and turn it into a practically useful tool. The ecologists and the physicists are so completely separate that it’s a miracle that it makes it over 

[00:24:50] Elizabeth: There were people who were already straddling the borders?

[00:24:53] Stephen Munch: Yeah,

[00:24:54] Elizabeth: Yeah. That’s hard to do in academia, isn’t it? .

[00:24:57] Stephen Munch: Well, Bob May started in physics. and came over to ecology from, physics. So, um, and there’ve been a lot of people who’ve gone that way. I, he’s arguably the most successful physicist turned ecologist by a lot, but, um, there are surprisingly few people who go the other way.

[00:25:19] Elizabeth: Yeah, I do notice physics seems to send out a lot more immigrants.

[00:25:26] S+T: I don’t know. Maybe the physics job market is just really tight.

[00:25:30] Elizabeth: I was just reading Doyne Farmer’s book on chaos and finance, and what he says is , “well, there weren’t any more physics jobs, but they would pay us so much money to do finance”. 

[00:25:40] Stephen Munch: Yeah.

[00:25:42] Stephen Munch: Those were good times. 

[00:25:44] Stephen Munch: One of the sort of really interesting things about sort of theoretical ecology and then applied theoretical ecology and then like real like, um, boots on the ground ecology is the level of math involved is like an order of magnitude between each one. So the theoreticians are real mathematicians 

[00:26:06] Stephen Munch: And then the folks who do sort of quantitative fisheries management are, you know, a jack of all trades. They know just enough math to do one thing, just enough math to do another thing, trying to put it all together with some statistics. And then there are the people who collect data and those people often know very little math. If there was a, , physics like revolution in, , theoretical ecology, I’m not sure, as one of the sort of mid level guys. I’d be aware of it, 

[00:26:34] Elizabeth: interesting. 

[00:26:37] Elizabeth: In weather, which is so incredibly complicated, the big breakthrough was ensemble forecasting. That you make a bunch of different forecasts jiggling your assumptions a little bit and that’s how you get 30 percent chance of rain because 30 percent of nearby worlds produced rain.

[00:26:55] Elizabeth: Has ensemble forecasting been tried in ecology or in wildlife management? 

[00:26:59] Stephen Munch: I’ve definitely run across papers where people have talked about ensemble forecasts for ecological dynamics or even super ensemble forecasts. But, I’m not aware that it’s made an enormous difference in terms of the predictions.

[00:27:14] Stephen Munch: I think the maybe the Biggest reason for that is that uh There aren’t too many people that I’m aware of who argue that the Navier Stokes equations, the things that govern the fluid dynamics, that governs the weather, right, are wrong, right? We all kind of accept that the equations are the equations of fluid dynamics.

[00:27:35] Stephen Munch: And so the real uncertainties are in how you handle The, the boundaries. How do you model the mountains? How do you model the clouds? Those are the parts where we’re not certain. And so if we vary those and we average over some amount of uncertainty in those boundary conditions and the initial conditions, we can sort of take care of some of that and sort of push a little farther into the future in terms of of how far we can make reasonable predictions.

[00:28:01] Stephen Munch: In ecology, on the other hand, there, there aren’t the equivalent of the Navier Stokes equations. There isn’t some like first principles model of how an ecosystem works that’s sufficient to make the kinds of predictions you might want to

[00:28:14] Elizabeth: That’s why you end up with something like EDM where you don’t need to know what you don’t know.

[00:28:19] Stephen Munch: there are two pillars to EDM. the first is what we talked that you can accommodate the fact that you have incomplete observations.

[00:28:27] Stephen Munch: That is, you haven’t seen all of the state variables of system using lags of the observables. That’s, that’s one pillar. The second pillar of EDM is that we’re not gonna try and write down equations. It’s a very simple that collection of variables turns into the future states of those variables. We’re instead going to try and infer that directly from what we’ve seen in the past.

[00:28:48] Stephen Munch: And so sort of combination of using lags to, as surrogate variables and using sort of nonparametric or super flexible data driven approaches to modeling, to turning the past states of the system into the future. That’s the second part that’s really important. 

[00:29:05] Elizabeth: What got you interested in that in grad school?

[00:29:08] Tanya Rogers: Uh, I guess. It was meeting Steve. I came to do an internship here at NOAA when I was in graduate school for a few months. I started working with Steve and, um, discovered that he invented and created new methods for analyzing data, which I did not realize was a thing as a just of existing methods, and I thought that was really cool and that he, he has a really cool way of just analyzing data.

[00:29:37] Tanya Rogers: Thinking about ecosystems and how species interact from a mathematical perspective that, um, I think brings a lot of insight and he made population dynamics interesting. I previously did a lot of community ecology work , collected a lot of data myself was mostly counting things. I did experiments in the labs, and this was just kind of a different approach that I thought was valuable.

[00:29:59] Tanya Rogers: And I, as part of. by working. That’s why I think I got this job at NOAA is that it can kind of merge the like mathematical approaches and field approaches and

[00:30:10] Elizabeth: is like the, the central tier that Steve was talking about is you have some people who are doing, my dad’s an applied mathematician so he would call them recreational mathematicians, and you have the boots on the ground people, and then you’ve got the sort of interfacers.

[00:30:27] Tanya Rogers: yeah, that’s us. So Steve is a very good interfacer. I definitely started as like a boots on the ground. I still do some of that data collection work myself. And I think that brings a valuable perspective in terms of understanding the complexity of ecosystems and where the data come from. and sources of error.

[00:30:44] Tanya Rogers: And even just like the natural history of some of these systems and what would make sense in terms of modeling them. I try and bring that perspective to my job as like fisheries ecologist and someone who helps with forecasting and management and stock assessments. And then in terms of research, I continue to collaborate with Steve on a bunch of different projects related to chaos and population dynamics and predictability and ecology.

[00:31:08] Stephen Munch: And Tanya provides an irreplaceable anchor to reality. Like I will go off and some like cool. Thing and some statistical mechanics and I’ll be like, oh, what do you think about this? She’s like why how will we use that steve? Like what is that for? And uh that sort of you know sounding board for like what is the practical value of this thing?

[00:31:30] Stephen Munch: How are we going to do it? What’s is it going to work on the data that we have available? Is uh, just just incredible plus I think tanya’s selling herself a bit short. She’s also Incredibly talented as a scientist and is great at getting things done and a great writer

[00:31:44] Elizabeth: you guys found each other, more or less at random. Like this wasn’t a purposeful pairing? 

[00:31:50] Stephen Munch: So actually, it’s a guy named Brian Wells, who Tanya was actually here to work with. He said, Oh, you know, you might get something out of talking to Steve. And he, so he introduced us. And then I found out that Tanya had data that was actually really great for applying a method that I’d cooked up.

[00:32:09] Stephen Munch: And, um, and so we, and after that, we really hit it off. 

[00:32:12] Tanya Rogers: Yes, that was my third dissertation chapter. And then Steve offered me a postdoc and I came out worked with them a bit. And then I got the job that I currently have, uh, at NOAA in the same office working for a different group, but we continue working together.

[00:32:29] Elizabeth: , that’s all I had. Thank you so much for your time. Have a great day guys.

[00:32:32] Stephen Munch: thanks. You too. 

Why I quit effective altruism, and why Timothy Telleen-Lawton is staying (for now)

~5 months I formally quit EA (formally here means “I made an announcement on Facebook”). My friend Timothy was very curious as to why; I felt my reasons applied to him as well. This disagreement eventually led to a podcast episode, where he and I try convince each other to change sides on Effective Altruism- he tries to convince me to rejoin, and I try to convince him to quit. 

Audio recording


Some highlights:

Spoilers: Timothy agrees leaving EA was right for me, but he wants to invest more in fixing it.

Thanks to my Patreon patrons for supporting my part of this work. You can support future work by joining Patreon, or contribute directly (and tax-deductible-y) to this project on Manifund.

AI research assistants competition 2024Q3: Tie between Elicit and



I make a large part of my living performing literature reviews to answer scientific questions. For years AI has been unable to do anything to lower my research workload, but back in August I tried Perplexity, and it immediately provided value far beyond what I’d gotten from other tools. This wasn’t a fair comparison because I hadn’t tried any other AI research assistant in months, which is decades in AI time. In this post I right that wrong by running two test questions through every major tool, plus a smaller tool recommended in the comments of the last post

Spoilers: the result was a rough tie between and Elicit. Each placed first on one task and was among top-3 in the other.

Tasks + Results


  • had a small edge in searching for papers, followed by Elicit and Google Scholar. ChatGPT was absolute garbage.
  • Elicit, Perplexity, and all surfaced the key piece of information when asked for analysis, with Elicit’s answer being the most concise. None of the other tools managed this.
  • and Perplexity were tied for favorite UI, but I haven’t played with very much.
  • boasts a larger list of uses than Perplexity (which is narrowly focused on research), but I haven’t tried them out.

Finding papers on water gargling as an antiviral

I’m investigating gargling with water (salt or tap) as a potential antiviral. I asked each of the tools to find relevant papers for me.

ChatGPT was asked several versions of the question as I honed in on the right one to ask. Every other tool was asked “Please list 10 scientific papers examining gargling with water as a prophylactic for upper respiratory infections. Exclude nasal rinsing”. This is tricky because almost all studies on gargling salt water include nasal rinsing, and because saline is used as a control in many gargling studies.

Every tool correctly returned 10 results except for Elicit and Google Scholar, which by design will let you load papers indefinitely. In those cases I used the first 10 results.

PaperReal, relevant resultsProbably hallucinationsNotes
Perplexity- initial? The formatting was bad so I asked Perplexity to fix it
Perplexity- asked to format ^42 
ChatGPT 4o asking for “papers” without specifying “scientific”0 unusable
ChatGPT 4o specifying “scientific papers” about gargling as a treatment28 
ChatGPT 4o specifying scientific papers about gargling as a prophylactic0 unusable
ChatGPT o117Citation links went to completely unrelated papers
Claude 3.5 Sonnet22 
You.com4 + 2 partial credits0 
Google Scholar40Not AI

You can see every response in full in this google doc.

I did not ask for a picture but it gave me one anyway. It did not receive even partial credit for this.


My serum iron levels went down after a series of respiratory illnesses, and on a lark I asked Perplexity if this could be related. Perplexity pointed me towards the hormone hepcidin and this paper, suggesting that respiratory illness could durably raise hepcidin and thus lower blood iron. Knowledge of hepcidin pointed me in the right direction to find a way to lower my hepcidin and thus raise my iron (this appears to be working, although I don’t want to count chicken before the second set of test results), so I was very impressed. This was one of two initial successes that made me fall in love with Perplexity.

I asked the other AI tools the same question. Elicit gave a crisp answer highlighting exactly the information I wanted and nothing else. Perplexity gave a long meandering answer but included hepcidin in its first bullet point. gave an even longer answer in which hepcidin was included but hard to find. Everyone else gave long meandering answers that did not include hepcidin and so were worthless.

You can see the full results in the same google doc.

(Lack of) Conflict of interest

I received no compensation from any of the companies involved. I have social ties to the Elicit team and have occasionally focus grouped for them (unpaid). Months or possibly years ago I mentioned my desire to do a multitool comparison to an Elicit team member. At the time they offered me a free month to do the comparison, but their pricing structure has since made this unnecessary, sothey’ll find out about this post when it comes out. I have Perplexity Pro via a promotion from Uber.


After seeing these results I plan on playing with more. If the UI and expanded uses turn out like I hope I might be loyal to it for as many as three months before it’s been surpassed.

There are two major features I’m looking for before I could consider giving up reading papers myself (or sending them to my statistician): determining if a statistical tool was appropriate for the data, and if an experimental design was appropriate for the question. I didn’t even bother to formally test these this round, but it wouldn’t shock me if we got there soon.

Applications of Chaos: Saying No (with Hastings Greer)

Previously Alex Altair and I published a post on the applications of chaos theory, which found a few successes but mostly overhyped dead ends. Luckily the comments came through, providing me with an entirely different type of application: knowing you can’t, and explaining to your boss that you can’t.

Knowing you can’t

Calling a system chaotic rules out many solutions and tools, which can save you time and money in dead ends not traveled. I knew this, but also knew that you could never be 100% certain a physical system was chaotic, as opposed to misunderstood.

However, you can know the equations behind proposed solutions, and trust that reality is unlikely to be simpler[1] than the idealized math. This means that if the equations necessary for your proposed solution could be used to solve the 3-body problem, you don’t have a solution. 

[[1] I’m hedging a little because sometimes reality’s complications make the math harder but the ultimate solution easier. E.g. friction makes movement harder to predict but gives you terminal velocity.]

I had a great conversation with trebuchet and math enthusiast Hastings Greer about how this dynamic plays out with trebuchets.


Note that this was recorded in Skype with standard headphones, so the recording leaves something to be desired. I think it’s worth it for the trebuchet software visuals starting at 07:00

My favorite parts:

  • If a trebuchet requires you to solve the double pendulum problem (a classic example of a chaotic system) in order to aim, it is not a competition-winning trebuchet.  ETA 9/22: Hastings corrects this to “If a simulating a trebuchet requires solving the double pendulum problem over many error-doublings, it is not a competition-winning trebuchet”
  • Trebuchet design was solved 15-20 years ago; it’s all implementation details now. This did not require modern levels of tech, just modern nerds with free time. 
  • The winning design was used by the Syrians during Arab Spring, which everyone involved feels ambivalent about. 
  • The national pumpkin throwing competition has been snuffed out by insurance issues, but local competitions remain. 
  • Learning about trebuchet modeling software. 

Explaining you can’t

One reason to doubt chaos theory’s usefulness is that we don’t need fancy theories to tell us something is impossible. Impossibility tends to make itself obvious.

But some people refuse to accept an impossibility, and some of those people are managers. Might those people accept “it’s impossible because of chaos theory” where they wouldn’t accept “it’s impossible because look at it”?

As a test of this hypothesis, I made a Twitter poll asking engineers-as-in-builds-things if they had tried to explain a project’s impossibility to chaos, and if it had worked. The final results were:

  • 36 respondents who were engineers of the relevant type
    • This is probably an overestimate. One respondee replied later that he selected this option incorrectly, and I suspect that was a common mistake. I haven’t attempted to correct for it as the exact percentage is not a crux for me.
  • 6 engineers who’d used chaos theory to explain to their boss why something was impossible.
  • 5 engineers who’d tried this explanation and succeeded.
  • 1 engineer who tried this explanation and failed.

5/36 is by no means common, but it’s not zero either, and it seems like it usually works. My guess is that usage is concentrated in a few subfields, making chaos even more useful than it looks. My sample size isn’t high enough to trust the specific percentages, but as an existence proof I’m quite satisfied. 


Chaos provides value both by telling certain engineers where not to look for solutions to their problems, and by getting their bosses off their back about it. That’s a significant value add, but short of what I was hoping for when I started looking into Chaos. 

Simon DeDeo on Explore vs Exploit in Science

Good news everyone: I’m getting into podcasting! 

As part of my investigation into how scientific paradigms are created, I hosted a talk by Simon DeDeo, Professor Of Many Topics at Carnegie Mellon and the Santa Fe Institute, recorded at the recent ILIAD conference in Berkeley. He discusses the idea of explore vs exploit in science. Spoiler: he comes down very hard on the exploit side, based primarily on a case study of Darwin. 

For the video averse among you, here’s the transcript

I have two more episodes in editing, but am on the hunt for more guests. I’m looking to talk to scientists or ex-scientists about how ideas are created and spread in their field. Bonus points if they can talk about Chaos, Complexity, or Catastrophe Theory in particular. 

Thanks to my Lightspeed Grants and my Patreon patrons for supporting this work.

Retroactively support my covid work (with money)

You can temporarily donate to my past covid work tax-deductibley via Manifund’s EA Community Choice. Deadline: 8/31.

In my previous fundraising post I mentioned that an intention to post future projects on Manifund, a sort of non-profit GoFundMe. Shortly after that Manifund invited me to apply for retroactive funding as part of their Effective Altrusim Community Choice event. I feel a little weird about this because I explicitly quit EA, but this kind of crowdfunding doesn’t feel like it jeopardizes my epistemics as long as I provide that context.

The Manifund website says all donations are tax-deductible. I have not tested this and won’t be shocked if there are complications, but it is definitely more likely to be tax deductible than paypal.

Perplexity wins my AI race

Perplexity is the first generalized AI chatbot I’ve found useful enough to integrate into any part of my daily workflow, much less across multiple domains. It speeds me up enough that I’m planning an increase in my freelancing rate.

Perplexity has three key advantages:

  1. It provides citations, cleanly, in context
  2. It has the persona of a sharp human instead of an intolerable customer service agent. 
  3. It is useful (and sufferable) across a wide variety of domains. 

The citations are a bigger deal than they sound at first. I could of course google anything ChatGPT tells me and check the results, but that’s costly. I have to spin up a new mental thread (and browser tab), sort through Google’s increasingly shitty results, remember what claim I’m trying to check… the process eats up a lot of working memory at a time when it is scarce. If I wanted to trawl a sea of content farms I would have gone to Google in the first place. 

Perplexity’s high quality inline citations solve that . Want to check if a claim is justified? Click the number next to it and look for the relevant quote. Not a perfect substitute for a 30 hour literature search, but a lot of power per minute. I don’t have to spin up a new mental thread, so the whole thing feels much lower friction.  Also thus far I’ve never caught it in a hallucination on a question of fact, although if real answers are scarce it will sometimes do the thing where it draws increasingly tenuous connections instead of just telling me no. 

I also found perplexity easier to talk to while trying to learn some math and math history. It felt about as useful as my human tutor- better at some things, worse at others. 

Test Questions

The real test was which AI do I find myself using, and the answer to that is definitively Perplexity. But just for fun or in case I was wrong, I ran a few questions Perplexity through all major engines to see what they said. 

In all cases I used the top free model available. I have Perplexity Pro thanks to a promo, but I haven’t ended up finding Pro to be much of an improvement. I do expect to use the pro-only PDF-analysis tool in the near future. 

Comments from me are in italics and [brackets]

How do fractals relate to chaos theory?

I have a project investigating chaos theory as a case study in the development of scientific/mathematical paradigms. This doesn’t require I become a mathematician, but I do need to understand how discoveries relate to each other and generally not be an idiot on the topic. Perplexity is my always available, infinitely patient tutor.

This should have been a challenging role for an AI to fill, because I have a friend who loves explaining math more than almost anything, and did his PhD in a related area. I even feel comfortable looking stupid in front of him. And yet Perplexity still had a value add, because it was never offline and I didn’t feel a need to respect its time the way I would a friend’s. 

Perplexity (link to result including citations)

Fractals and chaos theory are closely intertwined concepts in mathematics and physics, with several key connections:

Self-Similarity and Complex Patterns

Fractals are geometric objects that exhibit self-similarity across different scales, meaning smaller parts resemble the whole. This property is often found in chaotic systems, where complex patterns emerge from simple rules.

Visualization of Chaotic Processes

Fractals frequently arise as visual representations of chaotic systems:

  • The Feigenbaum diagram, which illustrates population dynamics in chaos theory, displays fractal-like structures.
  • The Mandelbrot set, a famous fractal, is closely related to chaotic processes and can be used to visualize complex number behavior in iterative functions.

Characteristics of Complex Systems

Both fractals and chaos theory deal with complex systems that exhibit:

  • Non-linear behavior
  • Sensitivity to initial conditions
  • Intricate, repeating patterns

Applications in Financial Markets

In financial analysis, fractals and chaos theory are used to understand market behavior:

  • Fractals can represent underlying patterns in market movements, stripped of emotional “noise” and short-term shocks.
  • Chaos theory helps explain how markets can appear random but still follow deterministic rules.

[-1 for bringing up markets. That’s a use of both, but lots of things use two things without those things being related ]

Relationship to Complexity Theory

[This seems irrelevant but I think was prompted by context from previous questions]

While chaos and fractals are related, they are distinct concepts:

  • Chaos theory focuses on deterministic but unpredictable systems.
  • Fractals are more closely linked to complexity theory and emergent behavior.

Understanding the difference between chaos and fractals is crucial for properly characterizing complex systems like financial markets.

In essence, fractals often emerge as visual representations or outcomes of chaotic systems, providing a way to understand and analyze the complex, non-linear behavior that chaos theory describes. Both concepts contribute to our understanding of intricate, seemingly random phenomena in nature and various scientific fields.

ChatGPT 4o

  1. Fractals as Structures in Chaos: Fractals are often the geometric shapes that emerge from chaotic systems. In chaos theory, systems that appear random and unpredictable (chaotic) can produce complex patterns when visualized. These patterns are often fractal in nature, meaning they exhibit self-similarity at different scales. A classic example is the Mandelbrot set, a fractal that arises from a simple mathematical formula but exhibits infinitely complex boundary patterns.
  2. Sensitivity to Initial Conditions: One of the key aspects of chaos theory is the idea that small changes in the initial conditions of a system can lead to vastly different outcomes, a concept often described as the “butterfly effect.” When you visualize the behavior of chaotic systems, the resulting patterns often reveal fractal characteristics—structures that look similar at various levels of magnification. This sensitivity is mirrored in the recursive, infinite detail of fractals.
  3. Nonlinear Dynamics: Both chaos theory and fractals deal with nonlinear dynamics. In a chaotic system, nonlinear equations govern the evolution of the system, leading to behavior that seems random but is actually deterministic. The complexity and irregularity of fractals reflect the underlying nonlinear processes that produce them.
  4. Scale Invariance: Fractals exhibit scale invariance, meaning their structure looks similar at any magnification level. This property is often found in chaotic systems, where the same patterns or behaviors can appear at different scales of observation, whether in time or space.

In summary, fractals are often the visual and mathematical representations of the complexity inherent in chaotic systems. Chaos theory helps explain the underlying principles that lead to the formation of fractals, and fractals provide a way to visualize and understand the seemingly unpredictable nature of chaos.


Fractals and chaos theory are interconnected concepts in mathematics that deal with complex systems and their behavior. Here’s a concise overview of their relationship:

  1. Self-similarity: Fractals exhibit self-similarity at different scales, which is often seen in chaotic systems.
  2. Strange attractors: Many chaotic systems produce fractal structures called strange attractors when their behavior is mapped in phase space.
    [points to Claude on this one. It’s an important point that the others missed]
  3. Sensitivity to initial conditions: Both fractals and chaotic systems demonstrate extreme sensitivity to initial conditions.
  4. Natural phenomena: Fractals and chaos theory are used to model and explain various natural phenomena that exhibit complex, non-linear behavior.
    [again, two things being useful for a third thing doesn’t make them related]
  5. Iterative processes: Both concepts involve iterative processes that can lead to intricate patterns and unpredictable outcomes.
  6. Dimensionality: Fractal dimensions are often used to characterize chaotic attractors.

Would you like me to elaborate on any of these points or discuss a specific aspect of the relationship between fractals and chaos theory?

Google Search AI Summary

  • Fractal dimension
  • The fractal dimension of an attractor can indicate how deterministic a system is. A low fractal dimension means the data was generated by a deterministic system, while a high fractal dimension indicates a random system. 
  • Self-similarity
  • Fractals are infinitely complex patterns that repeat themselves at different scales, which is similar to the principles of chaos theory. Chaos theory studies how small changes in initial conditions can lead to large-scale, unpredictable outcomes. 
  • Geometry of chaos
  • Fractals are the geometry of chaos, and can be found in nature, such as snowflakes, ferns, and coastlines, as well as in human-made structures, such as architecture, art, and music. For example, the Voyager spacecraft noticed that Jupiter has complicated turbulent vortices that are chaotic geometry, and any geometrical object with that structure is called a fractal. 
  • Visual identity
  • Fractals are part of the visual identity of chaos theory. For example, the Mandelbrot set is a way of ordering all the Julia sets, which have a fractal-like structure. The Mandelbrot set is infinitely complex, but it also displays self-similarity with regions that look like the outline of the entire set. 

What a cool set of random facts with the word “fractal” in them, Google. 

How long after antibiotics is bordatello not contagious in cats? 

[note: misspelled, the real spelling is Bordatella]

I was supposed to adopt a kitten at the beginning of August. On the day I was supposed to take him home, the breeder found Bordatella in another cat in the home (this is the bacteria that causes kennel cough in dogs and whooping cough in humans; it doesn’t have a common name in cats). It was early in the morning, this was a stressful topic and, due to travel times, I had an hour to figure out if I would take him that day (and risk spreading Bordatella to my existing elderly cat) or wait. Perplexity really hit this one out of the park, but it was a complicated back and forth that doesn’t make for a good example here. 

I’m instead going to share this question I asked two weeks later, when I was trying to figure out if it was safe to bring the symptomatic-but-in-treatment kitten home.

ChatGPT was especially bad here. It was factually incorrect and spent 4 paragraphs reminding me to respect authority and eat my vegetables.

Perplexity (link to results including citations)

Based on the search results, there is no specific information about how long Bordetella remains contagious in humans after antibiotic treatment. However, we can draw some relevant insights from the information about Bordetella in cats and humans:

  1. For Bordetella pertussis (whooping cough) in humans, patients treated with antibiotics may be contagious for only 5 to 10 days after starting treatment.
  2. In cats, Bordetella bronchiseptica infections typically cause symptoms that persist for 7-10 days.
  3. Cats infected with Bordetella can shed the bacteria for an extended period, even after clinical signs have resolved. Some cats have been shown to shed the bacteria for at least 19 weeks after initial exposure.
  4. Antibiotics like doxycycline are usually effective in treating Bordetella infections in cats.

While these points don’t provide a definitive answer for humans, they suggest that the contagious period may be reduced to around 5-10 days after starting antibiotic treatment [this is what the source says, although I haven’t verified with other sources]. However, it’s important to note that this is an extrapolation from limited information, and the actual duration may vary depending on the specific Bordetella species and individual factors.

For accurate information about the contagious period of Bordetella in humans after antibiotic treatment, it would be best to consult with a medical professional or refer to guidelines from health authorities.


Bordetella bronchiseptica, the bacterium responsible for respiratory infections in humans, is less common in humans than in animals but can still be transmitted. The duration of contagiousness after starting antibiotics can vary depending on the individual, the severity of the infection, and the specific antibiotic used.

Generally, with many bacterial infections, including Bordetella, a person is often considered less contagious after 24 to 48 hours of appropriate antibiotic therapy [this is contradicted by the only source I checked, and dangerous. If ChatGPT gave sources maybe I could compare them]. This period allows the antibiotic to reduce the bacterial load to a level where the risk of transmission is significantly lowered.

However, it’s important to follow these guidelines:

  1. Complete the Antibiotic Course: Even if symptoms improve and contagiousness decreases, it’s crucial to finish the entire prescribed antibiotic course to fully eradicate the bacteria.
  2. Follow Medical Advice: Always consult with a healthcare provider to understand the specific recommendations based on your case, as the contagious period can vary.
  3. Hygiene Practices: Continue practicing good hygiene, such as covering your mouth when coughing and washing hands frequently, to minimize the risk of spreading the infection.

If you or someone you know is dealing with Bordetella bronchiseptica, it’s best to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice on managing the infection and understanding when it is safe to resume normal activities without the risk of spreading the bacteria.

Claude 3.5

The contagious period for Bordetella (also known as kennel cough) in cats typically decreases significantly after starting antibiotic treatment. However, the exact timeline can vary. Here’s a general guideline:

  1. Typically, cats become less contagious within 2-3 days of starting antibiotic treatment.
  2. Most veterinarians recommend keeping infected cats isolated for at least 7-10 days after beginning antibiotics.
  3. The full course of antibiotics (usually 10-14 days) should be completed to ensure the infection is fully cleared.
  4. Some cats may continue shedding the bacteria for several weeks after treatment, even if they no longer show symptoms.

It’s important to note that individual cases may vary, and you should follow your veterinarian’s specific advice. They may recommend a different isolation period based on the severity of the infection and the cat’s response to treatment.

If you need more specific information about your cat’s situation, I recommend consulting with your veterinarian directly. They can provide tailored advice based on your pet’s individual case and current condition.

[This is a better written result than Perplexity but doesn’t cite sources and isn’t reliable enough to trust so doesn’t save me much work]

Google Search AI summary

No AI response, first page of results did not answer the question

Is the Aegis Shield Playful?

This one is kind of goofy; I was considering naming the new kitten Aegis but also wanted a name to signal playfulness. I knew the answer was going to be “no, are you insane?” but Perplexity made it feel cheap to check. 

All three engines got the right answer, but Perplexity took a stand and ChatGPT weaseled to avoid telling me no.


The term “playful” is subjective, but the Aegis Shield in gaming contexts often refers to its protective capabilities rather than a playful nature. For instance, in Final Fantasy, it provides strong defense against various status effects, while in Fire Emblem, it is valued for its strategic advantages despite some drawbacks. Overall, the Aegis Shield is more about utility and defense than playfulness.

ChatGPT 4o

The Aegis shield, rooted in Greek mythology, is not typically associated with playfulness. It is more often connected with protection, power, and divine authority. The Aegis was originally described as a protective cloak or shield carried by Zeus and Athena, symbolizing their might and the fear they could instill in their enemies.

However, in a creative or metaphorical sense, you could interpret the Aegis shield as playful if it’s part of a story, game, or artwork that reimagines it in a lighter or more whimsical context. Typically, though, its traditional associations are with seriousness, protection, and strength rather than playfulness.

Claude 3.5

I apologize, but I’m not familiar with a specific item or concept called an “Aegis Shield Playful.” There could be a few possibilities:

  1. If you’re referring to the mythological Aegis shield associated with Zeus and Athena in Greek mythology, it’s not typically described as playful. It’s usually portrayed as a powerful protective device.
  2. If this is related to a video game item, toy, or product, I don’t have specific information about it. Many games or products create their own versions of mythological items, sometimes with unique attributes.
  3. There might be a misunderstanding or typo in the question.

To provide an accurate answer, I would need more context about where you encountered this term or what specific item or concept you’re referring to. Could you provide more details or clarify the context of your question?

[Correct, but miserable to read]

Google Search AI summary

No AI response


I’m jinxing things a little by writing this after 3-4 weeks of work, but Perplexity has genuinely sped up my work in ways no other chatbot has managed. I am both delighted and scared of where we are on the AGI curve.

Acknowledgements and (lack of) COI

This post was financially supported by my Patreon patrons (thanks guys!) but not by any of the companies in question. Unless you count Uber One giving me a Perplexity Pro subscription that didn’t feature in this review. I have friends who work at Anthropic (which produces Claude) and a few other AI orgs, but AFAIK no one at Perplexity. 

Quick look: applications of chaos theory


Recently we (Elizabeth Van Nostrand and Alex Altair) started a project investigating chaos theory as an example of field formation.[1] The number one question you get when you tell people you are studying the history of chaos theory is “does that matter in any way?”[2]. Books and articles will list applications, but the same few seem to come up a lot, and when you dig in, application often means “wrote some papers about it” rather than “achieved commercial success”. 

In this post we checked a few commonly cited applications to see if they pan out. We didn’t do deep dives to prove the mathematical dependencies, just sanity checks.

Our findings: Big Chaos has a very good PR team, but the hype isn’t unmerited either. Most of the commonly touted applications never received wide usage, but chaos was at least instrumental in several important applications that are barely mentioned on wikipedia. And it was as important for weather as you think it is. 

[1] This is a follow up to Elizabeth’s 2022 work on plate tectonics

[2] The second most popular is “oh you should read that book by Gleick”


Cryptography and random number generators- Strong No (Alex)

The wikipedia page for Chaos theory has a prominent section on cryptography. This sounds plausible; you certainly want your encryption algorithm to display sensitive dependence on initial conditions in the sense that changing a bit of your input randomizes the bits of your output. Similarly, one could imagine using the sequence of states of a chaotic system as a random number generator. However a quick google search makes me (Alex) think this is not a serious application.

I’ve seen it claimed [Footnote: in Chaos: a very short introduction, page 44, and in this youtube video] that one of the earliest pseudo-random number generators used the logistic map, but I was unable to find a primary reference to this from a quick search.

Some random number generators use physical entropy from outside the computer (rather than a pseudo-random mathematical computation). There are some proposals to do this by taking measurements from a physical chaotic system, such as an electronic circuit or lasers. This seems to be backward, and not actually used in practice. The idea is somewhat roasted in the Springer volume “Open Problems in Mathematics and Computational Science” 2014, chapter “True Random Number Generators” by Mario Stipčević and Çetin Kaya Koç.

Other sources that caused me to doubt the genuine application of chaos to crypto include this Crypto StackExchange question, and my friend who has done done cryptography research professionally.

As a final false positive example, a use of lava lamps as a source of randomness once gained some publicity. Though this was patented under an explicit reference to chaotic systems, it was only used to generate a random seed, which doesn’t really make use of the chaotic dynamics. It sounds to me like it’s just a novelty, and off-the-shelf crypto libraries would have been just fine.

Anesthesia, Fetal Monitoring, and Approximate Entropy- No (Elizabeth)

Approximate Entropy (ApEn) is a measurement designed to assess how regular and predictable a system is, a simplification of Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy. ApEn was originally invented for analyzing medical data, such as brain waves under anesthesia or fetal heart rate. It has several descendents, including Sample Entropy; for purposes of this article I’m going to refer to them all as ApEn. Researchers have since applied the hammer of ApEn and its children to many nails, but as far as I (Elizabeth) can tell it has never reached widespread usage.

ApEn’s original application was real time fetal heart monitoring; however as far as I can tell it never achieved commercial success and modern doctors use simpler algorithms to evaluate fetal monitoring data. 

ApEn has also been extensively investigated for monitoring brain waves under anesthesia. However commercially available products only offer Spectral Entropy (based purely on information theory, no chaos) and Bispectral Index

ApEn has been tried out in other fields, including posture, neurological issues, finance, and weather. I was unable to find any evidence any of these made it into practice, although if some day trader was making money with ApEn I wouldn’t expect them to tell me. 

Empirical Dynamical Modeling– Unproven (Elizabeth)

EDM is a framework for modeling chaotic systems without attempting to use parameters. It was first created by George Sugihara and Robert May (a prominent early advocate and developer of chaos theory), but Stephen Munch is the scientist most putting the tool into practice. Munch has an excellent-looking experiment in which he applies EDM to wild shrimp management (fisheries being one of two places you can make money with theoretical ecology[3]) and compares his output with other models. Alas, his results will not be available until 2041. At least they’ll be thorough.

Sugihara himself applied the framework across numerous fields (including a stint as a quant manager at Deutsche Bank), however his website for his consulting practice only mentions systems he’s modeled, not instances his work was put into practice. His work as an investment quant sounds like exactly the kind of thing that could show a decisive success, except there’s no evidence he was successful and mild evidence he wasn’t. 

Process note: one of the reasons I believed in the story of Chaos Theory as told in the classic Gleick book was that I (Elizabeth) studied theoretical ecology in college, and distinctly remembered learning chaos theory in that context. This let me confirm a lot of Gleick’s claims about ecology, which made me trust his claims about other fields more. I recently talked to the professor who taught me and learned that in the mid 00s he was one of only 2 or 3 ecologists taking chaos really seriously. If I’d gone to almost any other university at the time, I would not have walked out respecting chaos theory as a tool for ecology. 

[3] The other is epidemiology

Weather forecasting- Yes (Alex)

Weather forecasting seems to be a domain where ideas from chaos theory had substantial causal impact. That said, it is still unclear to me (Alex) how much this impact depended on the exact mathematical content of chaos theory; it’s not like current weather modeling software is importing a library called chaos.cpp. I think I can imagine a world where people realized early on that weather was pretty complicated, and that predicting it required techniques that didn’t rely on common simplifying assumptions, like locally linear approximations, or using maximum likelihood estimates.

Here is a brief historical narrative, to give you a sense of the entanglement between these two fields. Most of the below can be found in “Roots of Ensemble Forecasting” (Lewis 2004), although I have seen much of it corroborated across many other sources.

By the 1940s, weather forecasting was still being done manually, and there was not much ability to predict that far into the future. As large electronic computers were being developed, it became clear that they could provide substantially more computation for this purpose, perhaps making longer predictions feasible. John von Neumann was especially vocally optimistic on this front.

Initially people assumed that we would make useful weather predictions by doing the following; 1) formulate a dynamical model of the weather based on our knowledge of physics 2) program that model into the computer 3) take measurements of current conditions, and 4) feed those measurements into the computer to extrapolate a prediction for a reasonable timespan into the future. People knew this would be very challenging, and they expected to have to crank up the amount of compute, the number of measurements, and the accuracy of their model in order to improve their forecasts. These efforts began to acquire resources and governmental bodies to give it a serious go. Researchers developed simple models, which would have systematic errors, and then people would go on to attempt to find corrections to these errors. It sounds like these efforts were very much in the spirit of pragmatism, though not entirely consistent with known physical principles (like conservation of energy).

After a decade or so, various scientists began to suggest that there was something missing from the above scheme. Perhaps, instead of using our best-guess deterministic model run on our best-guess set of observations, we should instead run multiple forecasts, with variations in the models and input data. In case our best guess failed to predict some key phenomenon like a storm, this “ensemble” strategy may at least show the storm in one of its outputs. That would at least let us know to start paying attention to that possibility.

It sounds like there was some amount of resistance to this, though not a huge amount. Further work was done to make estimates of the limits of predictability based on the growth rate of errors (Philip Thompson, E. Novikov) and construct more physically principled models.

Around this point (the mid 1950s) enters Edward Lorenz, now known as one of the founding fathers of chaos theory. The oft-related anecdote is that he accidentally noticed sensitive dependence on initial conditions while doing computer simulations of weather. But in addition to this discovery, he was actively trying to convince people in weather forecasting that their simplifying assumptions were problematic. He impacted the field both by producing much good work and by being an active proponent of these new ideas. It is especially notable that the Lorenz system, a paradigmatic chaotic system, came from his deliberate attempt to take a real weather model (of convection cells in a temperature differential) and simplify it down to the smallest possible system that maintained both the chaotic behavior and the reflection of reality. By cutting it down to three dimensions, he allowed people to see how a deterministic system could display chaotic behavior, with spectacular visuals.

Through continued work (especially Edward Epstein’s 1969 paper “Stochastic Dynamic Prediction”) people became convinced that weather forecasting needed to be done with some kind of ensemble method (i.e. not just using one predicted outcome). However, unlike the Lorenz system, useful weather models are *very* complicated. It is not feasible to use a strategy where, for example, you input a prior probability distribution over your high-dimensional observation vector and then analytically calculate out the mean and standard deviation etc. of each of the desired future observations. Instead, you need to use a technique like Monte Carlo, where you randomly sample from the prior distribution, and run each of those individual data points through the model, producing a distribution of outputs.

But now we have another problem; instead of calculating one prediction, you are calculating many. There is an inherent trade-off in how to use your limited compute budget. So for something like two decades, people continued to use the one-best-guess method while computing got faster, cheaper and more parallelized. During this wait, researchers worked on technical issues, like just how much uncertainty they should expect from specific weather models, and how exactly to choose the ensemble members. (It turns out that people do not even use the “ideal” Monte Carlo method mentioned above, and instead use heuristical techniques involving things like “singular vectors” and “breeding vectors”)

In the early 1990s, the major national weather forecast agencies finally switched to delivering probabilistic forecasts from ensemble prediction systems. The usefulness of these improved predictions is universally recognized; they are critical not just for deciding whether to pack an extra jacket, but also for evacuation planning, deciding when to harvest crops, and staging military operations.

Fractals- Yes (Elizabeth)

Fractals have been credited for a number of advancements, including better mapping software, better antennas, and Nassim Taleb’s investing strategy. I (Elizabeth) am unclear how much the mathematics of fractals were absolutely necessary for these developments (and would bet against for that last one), but they might well be on the causal path in practice.

Mandelbrot’s work on phone line errors is more upstream than downstream of fractals, but produced legible economic value by demonstrating that phone companies couldn’t solve errors via their existing path of more and more powerful phone lines. Instead, they needed redundancy to compensate for the errors that would inevitably occur. Again I feel like it doesn’t take a specific mathematical theory to consider redundancy as a solution, but that may be because I grew up in a post-fractal world where the idea was in the water supply. And then I learned the details of TCP/IP where redundancy is baked in. 

Final thoughts

Every five hours we spent on this, we changed our mind about how important chaos theory was. Elizabeth discovered the fractals applications after she was officially done and waiting for Alex to finish his part.

We both find the whole brand of chaos confusing. The wikipedia page on fractals devotes many misleading paragraphs to applications that never made it into practice. But nowhere does it mention fractal antennas, which first created economic value 30 years ago and now power cell phones and wifi. It’s almost like unproductive fields rush to invoke chaos to improve their PR, while productive applications don’t bother. It’s not that they hide it, they just don’t go out of their way to promote themselves and chaos. 

Another major thread that came up was that there are a number of cases that benefited from the concepts of uncertainty and unpredictability, but didn’t use any actual chaos math. I have a hunch that chaos may have provided cover to many projects whose funders and bosses would otherwise have demanded an impossible amount of predictability. Formal chaos shouldn’t have been necessary for this, but working around human stupidity is an application. 


Thank you to Lightspeed Grants and Elizabeth’s Patreon patrons for supporting her part of this work. Did you know it’s pledge drive week at