abc notation home page
NEWS: seven shiny new "How to ... with abc notation" videos just released ...
Welcome to, home of abc notation - the text-based music notation system and the de facto standard for folk and traditional music.
Here is just a taste of what you can find, either at this site or via a link:
- around 730,000 tunes, available as free sheet music or midi sound files, at this site alone
- traditional music from medieval & renaissance times up to the present day
- plenty of free software (Windows, Mac, Linux, mobile, ...) to transfer abc into scores or midi sound files
- tunes from many cultures - a large proportion from Irish, Scottish & other Celtic sources, with plenty of music from America, England, France, Scandinavia & all over Europe and even a sizeable collection of Chinese music
- a notation format popular all over the world, particularly for folk and traditional music
- online versions of many well-known historical collections, such as O'Neill's Music of Ireland, Playford's English Dancing Master & tunes composed by Carolan, to name but three
- a concise, text-based music notation system, that makes it easy to share tunes via email or on websites such as this one
- session tunes, band repertoires and original music
- specialist software which can generate tabulature and fingering charts for instruments such as guitar, mandolin & banjo (and other fretted, stringed instruments), fiddle / violin / voila, diatonic accordion, trumpet, horn euphonium & tuba, harmonica and drums
- examples, tutorials, a blog, discussion forums and plenty of other information about abc
So how does it work? As an example, the well-known tune Speed the Plough could be written in abc as
X:1 T:Speed the Plough M:4/4 C:Trad. K:G |:GABc dedB|dedB dedB|c2ec B2dB|c2A2 A2BA| GABc dedB|dedB dedB|c2ec B2dB|A2F2 G4:| |:g2gf gdBd|g2f2 e2d2|c2ec B2dB|c2A2 A2df| g2gf g2Bd|g2f2 e2d2|c2ec B2dB|A2F2 G4:|
After processing a typical result might look like this: