An approach to working with money that releases potential, making projects more satisfying and productive.
Based on thirty years of research by Peter Koenig in Zurich, Creative Money Training is an original format developed by Charles Davies. Since 2006, it's been delivered in creative business schools in Denmark, Holland and Switzerland. It's being presented in Brighton for the first time since 2009.
The workshop is open to founders of organisations, freelancers and anyone who has started (or wants to start) a project of their own.
Investing time in exploring your own understanding of money can bring clarity and creativity to any project you are involved in.
In this workshop you will learn one process for unravelling and examining assumptions around money. This process can then be employed to make the 'money part' of work clearer, more creative and more satisfying.
For a short introduction, watch Charles' talk on The Nature of Money at Amsterdam's Stand Up Inspiration.
It's a conversation.
The training normally starts with an explanation of how money works and a presentation of the process. Then it moves quickly into addressing actual situations this approach might be used with.
The clearer you are about what projects or problems you might want to apply this to, the more profitable the workshop will be.
Anyone who has tried to split a restaurant bill between more than four people knows that talking about money can quickly get juicy. So, be prepared for some lively exploration.
And a promise: by the end of the workshop you'll at least have learnt a new trick for deciding who pays for that dessert no-one can remember ordering.
Charles Davies has run creative money training sessions in the UK, Holland, Switzerland and Denmark. He has taught in art and business schools, been a magazine journalist (Features Editor of The Face magazine), a stand-up comedian, a freelance creative strategist (, JustMeans, Bush Theatre) and once received death threats from the lead singer of a well-known glam rock band. He's currently also working on a project to introduce creative approaches to currency to central bankers.
You're welcome to arrive at 12.30pm for a free, home-made vegetarian lunch at The Lab, courtesy of Prem.
Money should be no obstacle to attending the workshop. So, if you would like to come to the workshop, but don't want to pay the full price, please feel very free to email Charlie on [email protected] and say how much you'd like to pay and why.
And, if the workshop isn't the most valuable thing you've learned about money this year, then you can ask for your money back.
You can also get tickets directly from Eventbrite.
Please ask. [email protected]