Contribute to 9-11 Research
9-11 Research is an entirely volunteer effort.
The work you see here involved tireless efforts and
difficult sacrifices on the part of its creators.
As you can see from the sparseness of many parts of the site,
much work needs to be done just to fill in the obvious gaps.
Please support our continued efforts to make 9-11 Research
a great site -- a tool for creating a better future
by revealing the truth behind the great deception known as '9/11'.
There are many ways to contribute:
An easy way to contribute to the effort is:
- Send a payment through PayPal:
Cash contributions will help us build on our already successful effort.
Each day the main website,,
receives more than 10,000 unique visitors.
We need to build on this model to break more into the mainstream.
Money will help us to buy bandwidth
(as of early 2006 we use over 500 gigabytes per month)
and avoid interruptions in service.
If you find 9-11 Research informative and useful,
and have your own website, please consider linking to our home page
and relevant pages in 9-11 Research.
Even if you don't have a website,
you can include URLs in posts to forums and blogs.
We strive for permanence in our URLs for
the benefit of those bookmarking and linking to our pages.
Links play a primary role in increasing the visibility of websites.
9-11 Research now reaches over ten thousand readers each day
because so many people have voted for it with their links.
Purchases of the merchandise featured in the store
will help our efforts,
while simultaneously helping to disseminate information.
We are offering the historic DVD
9/11 GUILT: The Proof is in Your Hands,
featuring presentations by Jim Hoffman and Don Paul.
9-11 Research is the product of countless hours of research
on the many facets of the 9/11/01 attack and background for it.
Much of it is a synthesis of knowledge gathered by other
researchers who were analyzing the attack long before we were.
We hope that our work, in a similar way, will benefit other researchers.
In addition we hope to improve our work with the help of feedback
from you, the reader.
While we welcome all comments,
those including links to sources are particularly helpful.
WIKIPEDIA is the site of an ongoing battle
between defenders of the official story and 9/11 researchers.
Most Wikipedia editors working on the pages of 9/11 researchers
openly express contempt for anyone questioning the official story,
and work to discredit 9/11 researchers by
shackling them with the pejorative label of 'conspiracy theorists',
asserting that they lack qualifications to examine the issue,
and scrubbing primary pages of any mention of their work.
Wikipedia is one of the most visible and influential
websites on a range of subjects including the 9/11/01 attack.
Since anyone can edit Wikipedia pages,
the struggle to allow challenges to the official story to be heard
and to be accurately represented
is a function of the numbers of people willing to engage.
If you are interested in contributing to the effort to counter the use of
Wikipedia as a political tool
for the cover-up of the 9/11/01 crimes, see our
Guide to Wikipedia on 9/11.
We are creating a book based on this website and our ongoing research.
If you
register for the book
we will notify you when it's ready and waive the shipping charges should you
decide to order it.
Signing up for the book will help us find the ideal publisher
by allowing us to demonstrate the interest in the book.
To reach the creators of 9-11 Research see our
contact page.