The Coverup
The cover-up of the reality behind the 9/11/2001 attack
began long before the attack,
judging from the development of
information warfare tools
that have been been used, so successfully,
to reinforce the official story
by setting up ridiculous opponents.
Setting aside the corporate media's rubber-stamping of
the administration's claims about the attack's responsibility from day one,
there are many particular exhibits of the cover-up, including:
- Military commanders were
after presiding over the largest failure in air defense since
Pearl Harbor.
- Evidence was systematically
at all of the crime scenes.
- FEMA's
farcical investigations
provided cover for the evidence destruction.
- The Bush administration blocked a congressional
inquiry into the attack for over 400 days.
When a commission was finally assembled,
President Bush named Henry Kissinger to chair it.
- The
"National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States" -- or
Kean Commission,
as it was commonly called, after former New Jersey governor Thomas Kean
replaced Kissinger --
avoided questioning any of the key assumptions of the official story.
These are only some of the more obvious and concrete aspects
of the cover-up evident in the behavior of high officials.
A cover-up is also apparent in the way the official story was
packaged and sold by the corporate and foundation-funded media.
These media largely ignored challenges to the official story
until 2004, when
attacks in prominent publications started.
The involvement of large numbers of people in a cover-up
of the crimes of 9/11/01 may be far less conspiratorial
than it might at first seem.
Actions on behalf of the cover-up may have diverse motivations.
For example,
officials may have been more inclined to
unquestioningly follow orders in the wake of the attack.
Top officials could be covering up for
their failure to repel the attack,
or for their being blackmailed
by the attackers.
page last modified: 2010-12-18
Copyright 2004 - 2011,911Review.com
revision 1.10 site last modified: 05/16/2019
Vice President Dick Cheney
Richard Myers,
Acting Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the attack,
was promoted to head of the Joint Chiefs
just days after the attack.
Ralph Eberhart,
commander of NORAD during the attack,
was promoted to head the newly formed NORTHCOM.