Last updated
12:05 a.m.
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The primary function, duty and reason for being of any government is to provide security for its people.
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Last updated
12:05 a.m.
- 3
Republicans in Congress, senators in particular, decided to vote for the current executive branch department heads even though there is still ample evidence to indicate that these nominees are unqualified for the positions they hold.
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In an apparent damage control recovery effort, the Pentagon announced that the websites citing the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, Navajo Code Talkers, Jackie Robinson’s military service and others were restored.
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According to the Pew Research Center, 60 United Nations member states (31%) have had a woman lead their government. As of October, women led the governments of 13 of the 193 member states of the U.N.
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Many of our federal departments and agencies are being crippled and no longer function to serve Americans.
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My concerns with the Ala Wai pedestrian bridge project center on the funding requirements and the impact the bridge will have on air quality in Waikiki.
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Former state Sen. Maile Shimabukuro, who chaired the Hawaiian Affairs Committee, supported a range of legislation supporting the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands.
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In these early days of the Trump administration, many people around the world believe we are witnessing remarkable events that are of great concern for our fundamental American belief in democracy and justice.
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Perhaps our Democrat representatives could change their tactics of resistance and name calling, because that doesn’t seem to be effective or honorable.
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I had hoped that if we could just get through the next two years, the Donald Trump chaos would abate. Surely the Democrats would be able to win back control of both houses of Congress in 2026.
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It was so sad to hear about the little girl who died from injuries after her e-bike collided with a car (“Girl, 7, dies 2 weeks after e-bike collision with car,” Star-Advertiser, March 13).
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I’m sad to read that a letter writer opposes a “stricter vaccine law” for our school children (“School vaccine bill is example of overreach,” Star- Advertiser, March 4).
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Thanks for the March 9 article reporting on respected developer Stanford Carr’s very direct comments to our legislators on the grand new Aloha Stadium project.
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Hawaii’s politicians must have a serious conversation about the ongoing brain drain and outward migration from the islands.
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I am a lifelong advocate of free speech, but David Shapiro’s March 2 column ridicules state Sen. Donna Mercado Kim with over-the-top sarcasm going beyond the pale of journalistic professionalism or simply doing what’s right to advance the cause of free press (“Repent, journalists, repent or face senatorial payback,” Star-Advertiser, Volcanic Ash).
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I don’t see why giving bonuses to certain workers during the epidemic is a good idea. Did people in the military get extra pay for their service?
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Having visited beautiful Oahu over the past dozen years, I’ve become more appreciative of state and local issues confronting these beautiful islands.
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What’s happening in this country is unbelievable.
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